Project Shadow

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Somewhere in space, just above the Earth, there was some sort of space station that belongs to Dr Robotnik, and he had an evil grin on his face as he was looking at the 7 Chaos Emeralds. Dr Robotnik: "Finally... I have all of the Chaos Emeralds... now I can restore the Master Emerald..." said Robotnik, before the emeralds started to glow and fused together and became the Master Emerald, which was when Decoe and Bocoe came to the scene. Decoe: "You did it sir!" Bocoe: "What's our next move?" Dr Robotnik: "Well... I think we should let a certain hedgehog make the next move." Decoe: "You want Sonic to strike first?" Dr Robotnik: "No... I'm talking about another hedgehog... one that I knew when I was young... back when my grandfather and cousin were still alive... over 50 years ago..." said Dr Robotnik, before he begins to use the power of the Master Emerald to create something that has not been around for over 50 years. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Sonic was running around the city to help out the people that were trapped or hurt by the damage that came to the city when the Chaos Cheese occurred. When Sonic found some people, he and the other Mobians went to work on helping them and stuff like that. Chris was helping out too, and Helen was there too. Chris: "Hey Helen, it was really nice of you to help out." Helen: "Well of course, I might be in a wheelchair, but that doesn't mean I should just sit around and do nothing when there are people that need help, and it's the least I can do to thank the boy who helped me when my wheelchair stopped working." said Helen with a smile, which made Chris blush a little while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. It wasn't long before Chuck, Mr Tanaka and Vanilla came over to the pair. Chuck: "Did you find anyone?" Chris: "Not yet." Mr Tanaka: "That' good, as it means nobody is hurt or in any danger." Vanilla: "Are you sure that Cream and the others and myself should be out here?, I mean with other people around?" Helen: "Don't worry Miss Vanilla, after taking down Robotnik's base, everyone sees Sonic and the others as heroes." Vanilla: "But I didn't really do anything." Chuck: "Maybe not, but you are Cream's mother, and you raised her to be a kind girl." Vanilla: "Yes, I most certainly did, but uh... what about Cheese?" Chris: "Oh right... well nobody knows about Cheese being the one that attacked the city." Vanilla: "Good... I don't want him to get into trouble..." Helen: "But it wasn't his fault, was it?" Chris: "No... it was Robotnik that really caused this mess... speaking of which... I wonder where he is and what he's up to..." later, when night came, Sonic and the others were having movie night, when suddenly the TV News came on, and Scarlett Garcia was making a report of the city being attacked by what appears to be some kind of Mobian hedgehog. Sonic: "What in..." Tails: "Is that you?" Sonic: "That can't be, I'm right here." Amy: "Not only that... you would never attack anyone for no reason." Sonic: "I better check this out." said Sonic, before he zooms away and into the part of the city where the mysterious hedgehog was spotted. It wasn't long before Sonic finds the hedgehog, which was black with red stripes, who was named Shadow the Hedgehog (voiced by Jason Griffith). Shadow: "Well... you must be the one called Sonic, guess the doc was right... we do look alike... sort of, but not much." Sonic: "Who are you, and why are you attacking this city?" Shadow: "I have my reasons... something you wouldn't understand." Sonic: "I can understand that you're a bad guy, and that's the kind of guy I really dislike, especially a guy that thinks he can get away of being a fake me." Shadow: "Me a fake?, you're not even good enough to be my fake." Sonic: "We'll see who's the faker after I'm done with you." said Sonic, before he tried to ram Shadow, only for the black hedgehog to dodge the attack with ease. Shadow: "Too slow... I'm must faster... and I can do this... [holding a Chaos emerald] Chaos Control!" said Shadow, before he glows and vanishes, much to Sonic's surprise, before Shadow reappeared behind him and kicks the blue hedgehog to the ground. Sonic: "That's some trick... but it would take more than that to take me down." Shadow: "I won't have to, for they will do it for me." said Shadow, before he vanishes again, and a lot of G.U.N. soldiers appeared, lead by Topaz, came to the scene and captured Sonic, mistaking him for Shadow. When morning came the President of the United States was with the other Mobians, including Sonic, who was still feeling unhappy about what happened last night. Micheal K: "Sorry about the mix up last night, we thought you were that other hedgehog." Sonic: "Can't blame ya... but who is he?" Micheal K: "I kinda thought you knew, as he seems to be a Mobian like you." Knuckles: "I certainly never saw him before." Amy: "Nor have I... though the News didn't show a good image of the hedgehog..." Christina: "Well whoever he is... that hedgehog is no doubt a threat... and must be stopped as soon as possible." suddenly, the TV screen turned static before showing the image of Dr Robotnik himself, who lets out an evil laugh. Dr Robotnik: "Greetings people of Earth, I just want you to know that I have collected all of the 7 Chaos Emeralds and restored the Master Emerald, now I can finally make my Robotnik Empire a reality... and to show you my power... watch this..." said Robotnik, before the TV screen shows an image of the moon and Robotnik's space station, which fires a beam that blows up half of the moon, much to everyone's shock and horror. Tails: "He... blew up half of the moon..." Knuckles: "That mad man..." Cream: "No... not the moon... it didn't deserve that..." Cheese: "Chao, Chao..." said Cream and Cheese sadly, before the TV screen shows the evil Overlander again. Dr Robotnik: "Now then, if you don't want to suffer the same fate, I want you all to surrender to me and let me be your leader, I'll give you 24 hours to make your choice... and choose wisely..." said Robotnik with an evil grin, before the TV screen turns static and went back to the normal channel it was on before. Amy: "This is terrible... what are we gonna do?, Robotnik has the Master emerald..." Knuckles: "There's no telling what destruction that mad Overlander will do with it... other than bringing the whole universe fall into total chaos..." Sonic: "Great... first that black hedgehog and now Eggman has the Master emerald... what could make this day any worse?" Tails: "Uh Sonic... that's the one thing you should never say..." said Tails in a nervous tone in his voice, before Sonic covered his mouth in shock as he just realized the mistake he just made. Suddenly, the building started to shake up a little, as it turns out that Shadow has broken in and was out to attack the G.U.N. soldiers. Shadow: "You shall pay for what you have done..." said Shadow in anger, ready to attack the knocked down soldier. Helen: "Stop!, don't hurt him!" Chris: "She's right!" called out Helen and Chris, who came to the scene, which caught Shadow's attention and turns around to see them. When Shadow saw Helen, he gasped in shock, like he was seeing a ghost or something. Shadow: "... Maria?" Helen: "Huh?, who me?" before Shadow could answer, Sonic and the other Mobians came to the scene, and Shadow then zooms over to Helen and grabs her arm before he teleports himself, Helen and Chris, who held Helen's arms arm, away from the scene. Sonic: "Chris!, Helen!" Tails: "He's got them both!" Amy: "But why?" Sonic: "I don't know... but if he harms so much as one hair on them... that guy is gonna pay..." meanwhile, back in Robotnik's space station, Shadow, Helen and Chris appeared, and the human kids were surprised to see where they were. Helen: "Where are we?" Chris: "I don't know..." Shadow: "Get your hands off of Maria!" Helen: "But my name's not Maria, it's Helen." said Helen, before Shadow takes a closer look at her and let out a sad sigh. Shadow: "...I should have known you weren't her..." Helen: "Um... who's Maria?" Shadow: "A dear friend of mine... one that didn't do anything wrong in her life... and yet... you Overlanders killed her just to get your hands on me to become your weapon of war!... now I will make everyone on Mobius pay for what you Overlanders did to her..." Chris: "But we're not Overlanders... we're humans, and that planet is not Mobius, it's Earth." Shadow: "What?" Helen: "Can you tell us the full story?" Shadow: "... Well... I suppose so..." said Shadow, before he begins his story to the human pair. Long ago, Shadow was created by a man named Professor Gerald Robotnik, who wanted to use Shadow's genetic code to find a cure for an illness that Maria had. But one day, the Overlanders attacked the space station that Shadow, Maria and Gerald lived in, so they can get their hands on Shadow and use him for a weapon against the Mobians. While trying to escape, the Robotnik family was captured and executed, while Shadow managed to escape, but was destroyed from the crash. However, Ivo Robotnik, who was Maria's cousin, survived and had a sample of Shadow's DNA and waited for the right moment and tech and power to bring the hedgehog back to life. Chris: "So then... is that why you're helping Robotnik?" Shadow: "Yes, he's all the family I have now... thanks to the Overlanders." Helen: "But that was a long time ago, like over 50 years ago." Shadow: "I was nothing but a quill that whole time, for me that incident was just like yesterday... most folks might put it behind them... but I will never forget... and nothing will stop me from getting my revenge." Chris: "But Shadow... would Maria wanted you to do this?" Shadow: "What do you know what she want?" Chris: "Well it's just... from what you told us, she didn't seemed like the vengeful type like Robotnik." Shadow: "No... she wasn't..." Chris: "So maybe this isn't what she wanted you to do." Helen: "And the power of the Emerald is not something to mess with... it can cause great harm if used for being hungry for power or wanting revenge... I should know as that's what happened to my people long ago..." Chris: "What do you mean by that?" Helen: "Well... maybe it's time I show you the real me..." said Helen, before she glows white and transforms into what looked like a plant like alien girl. Shadow: "What in..." Chris: "Helen?!, you're an alien?" Helen: "Yes, and my real name is Cosmo... the last of the Seedrians... who were destroyed by misusing the Master Emerald, long ago... please Shadow, I beg of you stop this madness, countless lives will be lost if you don't." Shadow: "Why should I care about the lives on that planet?" Chris: "Because the people down there had nothing to do with what happened to Maria, they're innocent and I don't think Maria would wanted you to harm the innocent... did she?" said Chris, before Shadow then thought of a memory of Maria asking him to promise her on protecting the innocent, which made Shadow shed a little tear from his eye. Shadow: "No... she didn't... oh Maria... what have I done..." said Shadow sadly, before Dr Robotnik came to the scene. Dr Robotnik: "Well this is a surprise, the boy that keeps the Mobians as his pets..." Chris: "I do not keep them as pets!, they're my friends!" Dr Robotnik: "Whatever... and who might you be girl?, you're not a human... nor Mobian by the looks of it..." Cosmo: "My name is Cosmo the Seedrian... and I refuse to let you use the Master Emerald for evil uses such as yours!" said Cosmo, before she makes her hand facing Robotnik while her eyes glowed green, and then some plants from a green house of the space station started to grow like crazy and captures Robotnik, much to his surprise. Dr Robotnik: "What's happening?!" Cosmo: "My people had the power to talk, grow and control plants in our will, and they will keep you contained until I say so." Dr Robotnik: "We'll see about that... Decoe, Bocoe, attack!" ordered Robotnik, before Decoe and Bocoe came to the scene and turned their hands into blasters that fired lasers that burns the plants, freeing the mad Overlander. Chris: "Uh oh..." Dr Robotnik: "Now then... you two need to learn your place..." Shadow: "Robotnik... why did you lie?" Dr Robotnik: "What are you talking about?" Shadow: "You told me that this planet is Mobius... but it's not... which means the people down there... they're not Overlanders... are they?" Dr Robotnik: "Well... no, they're not." Shadow: "But if that's true... why did you lie?" Dr Robotnik: "Because if I told you the truth... you wouldn't have agreed to help me take control of this planet." Shadow: "But Maria didn't wanted to control any planet!" Dr Robotnik: "Well Maria is not here!, I'm calling the shots now!, and if you won't help me make my empire come true... then prepare to meet your end... again." said Robotnik, before he snaps his fingers and Decoe and Bocoe point their weapons at the black hedgehog. Suddenly, the space station shook up a little, and the computer made a warning sound that intruders have entered the station. Decoe: "What's going on?" Bocoe: "I don't know, but I don't like it..." said the two robots, before Sonic and the other Mobians came to the scene. Sonic: "Chris!, Helen!, are you here?!" Chris: "Sonic!, we're over here!" called out Chris, before Sonic and the other Mobians ran up to the boy and gave him a hug. Amy: "Thank goodness you're safe!" Cream: "Wait... where's Helen?" Cosmo: "I'm right here." said Cosmo, before the Mobians turned their heads to see the Seedrian with surprised looks on their faces. Tails: "Helen?, is that you?" Cosmo: "Yeah... long story short... I'm an alien called a Seedrian named Cosmo that was in a human disguise..." Knuckles: "Huh... didn't see that coming..." Amy: "Me neither..." Cream: "Hey... you can walk..." Cosmo: "Yeah, but only in my true form, I can't move much without the wheelchair in my human form." Tails: "Wow... you look uh... kinda pretty." Cosmo: "Thanks Tails." Cream: "I have to agree with Tails here, you look amazing, and I like your real name too, just as much as your human name." Cosmo: "Thanks, but never mind that now, we need to stop Robotnik." Sonic: "Yeah, and my evil twin as well..." Shadow: "No... don't waste time fighting me, you need to focus on getting the Master Emerald away from here... I'll make sure Robotnik here won't stop ya." Sonic: "Huh?..." Knuckles: "Uh... did we missed something here?" Chris: "We'll explain later, right now we need to save the earth." Amy: "Then let's do it!" said Amy, before she and the other Mobians went to fight Robotnik and his robots, while Sonic takes the Master emerald from the station's power core, which of course causes the whole place to lose power and it started to come down towards the earth. Sonic: "Oh... this can't be good..." said Sonic, before Shadow zooms over to him. Shadow: "What are you standing around for?!, use the emerald's power to stop the space station!" Sonic: "How?!" Shadow: "The emerald's power is activated through a thought, just give it a thought of stopping this place from crashing and do it fast!" Sonic: "Right... here goes nothing..." said Sonic, before he closed his eyes and thinks of the space station to stop falling and lands on Earth safely, before the Master Emerald glows brightly and the space station has stopped falling and gently floated down to the ocean safe and sound. Shadow: "Not bad faker." Sonic: "I'm not the faker, you are!" Shadow: "As if." said the two hedgehogs, before Robotnik appeared in his aircraft that had a claw that takes the Master emerald away from Sonic. Dr Robotnik: "You won this round Sonic, but I'll be back!" shouted Robotnik, before he and his robots in the aircraft flew away from the space station and away from the scene. When Sonic and Shadow came back to the others, the pair told them what happened to the emerald. Knuckles: "You let Robotnik take the emerald?!" Sonic: "No, he took it from me by surprise, there's a difference." Cream: "Now what are we gonna do?" Amy: "We need to get the emerald back and fast." Tails: "Yeah... but we also need to get Chris back home, I'm sure his family's worried about him." Amy: "Oh that's right, but... what about Helen here?" Cosmo: "Well... I don't have a family... I lost them long ago... along with my home world... I've been on my own since then... even here on Earth..." Chris: "Well in that case... you should live with me and the others." Cosmo: "Really?" Sonic: "Yeah, Chris and his family let us live with them in the mansion, so I'm sure they won't mind having you either." Cosmo: "Thank you... really." Chris: "It's the least I can do for a friend." said Chris, before Cosmo comes over to the boy and gives him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush a little while Cosmo just giggled. As for Shadow, he couldn't help but see Maria in Cosmo, alien or not. Shadow: "She might not be Maria... but she's so much like her in many ways..." said Shadow to himself while having a little smile on his face, which he has never done in a very long time.

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