Attack of the Egg Fort

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As the Mobians were getting ready to go shopping, Chris gives Sonic and the others each a cellphone. Chris: "Now remember, these cellphones will help you reach each other right away, even if you're in different places, we can still talk to each other." Tails: "Thanks Chris." That was when Chuck came to the scene with a letter carrying documents on a tray. Chuck: "I have good news." Chris: "What's going on?" Chuck: "I'm going to hand out some official documents issued by the government that you'll need to hang on to." Knuckles: "Documents?" Chuck: "Yes. To verify your identity." Amy: "But, wouldn't our short height in comparison to humans be enough?" Chuck: "They'll help you prove who you are when you travel around, and it should prevent from those who would try to imitate you, Tails now has a special licenses that allows him to fly any kind of aircraft he can build to any destination on the planet, while Sonic now has a passport which allows him to go wherever he wants whenever he wants to." Sonic: "Yeah it's really cool." They arrive at the mall, and inside there were many civilians shopping, enjoying the many wonders the mall has to offer. Ella takes Cream to look for new clothes while Amy is trying on new dresses. Amy: "What do you think, Ella, you like it?" Ella: "I don't know, the green is a nice contrast from the pink of your fur, but the bow tie is a bit much." Amy pulls back the curtain and opens it again one second later, revealing a new attire. Amy: "How about this?" Ella: "That is much better, it's very stylish and it makes you look mature, though, I'm surprised you were able to change so fast." Amy: "They're surprisingly easy to change into and out of." She pulls back the curtain and instantly changes into a new attire. Ella: "A female detective look, very impressive." They see other humans staring at them before awkwardly returning to their business as Amy lowers her hat in annoyance. Later, at the food court, the Mobians were unable to eat because of the stares. Amy: "Chris...?" Chris: "Yeah?" Amy: "This is... very weird." Cream: "Why do they keep staring?" Ella: "You kids a big celebrities, especially after that big battle at Robotnik's base." Knuckles: "But we did not destroy Eggman's base just to become famous." Amy: "Though, if they offer me a chance to be on TV or magazine covers, I wouldn't turn them down." A camera flashes as a group of photographers came to the scene. Chris: "Hey! Do you mind?!, some of us are trying to eat here!" Ella: "Yeah! No more photographs!" Sonic: "Tell you what, those who let us finish our meal the longest, will get a free autograph from me and my friends." this made the other human nodded and let the Mobians continue their meal. After they finished their meal, they gave each the humans an autograph and a picture as well. Meanwhile, at the ruins of Dr Robotnik's base, construction workers are clearing away the wreckage. A worker is sent in the direction of the power room as the foreman suddenly notices a metallic door panel. The ground starts shaking. This causes the ground to open up and Eggman's lair to come crashing down. The other workmen clear out of the way as a large drill bores through. The drill was attached to a large purple airship. The ship spreads its wings and reveals its cockpit. Dr Robotnik: "I've been ten steps ahead of you all right from the start!, I had construction on this Flying Fortress underway since I came to earth!" The workers gasp. Decoe: "Dr Robotnik certainly is a strategic genius." Bocoe: "I only wish some of his strategies work occasionally." Dr Robotnik: "That's enough out of you two! Cut the chatter and get the ship ready!, we have work to do!" Decoe: "He certainly is thin-skinned." Bocoe: "That's the only place he is thin." Dr Robotnik: "Let's get moving!" Bokkun: "The ship's course has been set for Station Square and several Buzz bombers are being prepared as we speak!" said Bokkun, as the ship prepares for takeoff. meanwhile at Station Square, the Mobians and their human guardians just got out of the mall. Amy: "Thanks for helping us getting those humans to let us finish our meal in peace Sonic, things were about to get really bad." Sonic: "Oh come on Amy, it could have been a lot worse." suddenly, the group saw Dr Robotnik's ship. Chris: "What is that?!" Sonic: "That's gotta be Eggman's!" yelled Sonic, as the mad doctor's voice called out from the ship. Dr Robotnik: "People of earth!, since you destroyed my base here, I'll destroy this city in return!, Buzz bombers, attack!" yelled the mad doctor, as he launches the Buzz bombers from his ship. Dr Robotnik: "And to deal with the runners, I'll sent several of my Swat-bots!" soon, an army of tall humanoid-like robots called the Swat-bots went to pursue the humans, while the Buzz bombers were shooting lasers at the buildings. Tails: "There's nowhere to run!, those robots will destroy the whole city!" Sonic: "Then we just need to take down Eggman's ship." Tails: "In order to do that, we need the X-Tornado, but we left it at the mansion!" suddenly, a formula 1 car came to the scene and out came the driver. The driver was in fact Sam Speed, the human Sonic and Tails met when they first came to Earth. Chris: "Uncle Sam?!" Tails: "That's your uncle?" Sonic: "Hey, that's the guy we've met when we first came in Station Square." Sam: "You bet I am, and I should thank you for taking care of my nephew." Chris: "Well it's great to see you but... what are you doing here?" Sam: "What?, like you're the only one who has the right to protect this city?" Amy: "Who are you?" Chris: "That's Sam Speed, he's my mom's brother, and the leader of a special police force that use those fast moving formula 1 cars." Sonic: "Though I can run much faster than they are." Sam: "Well that might be true for now Sonic, but some day I'll beat you in a race." Chris: "Now is not the time to talk about who's the fastest when our city is being under attack!" Sam: "Oh right, sorry sport, anything I can do to help?" Chris: "Maybe there is, can you take Tails back to the mansion so he can get the X-Tornado?" Sam: "Sure thing." Sonic: "Wait a minute, I can get him there faster." Chris: "I know, but we need you to stop these robots from attacking the innocent." Sonic: "Oh right, good point." Sam: "Don't worry, I won't anything happen to him." after that, Tails went into Sam's car, before zooming off back to the mansion. The battle continues as Amy was smashing the robots with her hammer, and Knuckles using his fists to punch the robots into many pieces. And to everyone's surprise, Cream threw Cheese at one of the robots, who curled up into a ball and smashed the robot to bits. Sonic: "Hey Cream, you never told us that Cheese can do that..." Cream: "You never asked." suddenly, a group of Buzz bombers surrounded the group. As soon as the Buzz bombers prepare to fire, Mr Stewart comes to the scene, armed with only a mirror. The mirror reflects the blast back at one of the Buzz bombers. As they continue to shoot, he reflects them at the other Buzz bombers. Cream: "Thank you Mr Stewart, you saved us." Mr Stewart: "No problem, are you all okay?" Chris: "Yeah, and don't worry about Tails, he's with my uncle right now, in order to get the X-Tornado." suddenly, they hear the sound of a jet, which could mean only one thing. Sonic: "And speaking of which, there it is!" said the blue hedgehog, as he jumps onto the nose of the jet. Tails: "Hang on!" soon, they were front of Dr Robotnik's ship, the Egg fort. Sonic: "Here goes nothing!" he launch forward as a streak of blue. Decoe: "It appears we have company!" The blue streak penetrate the ship. Bocoe: "We've lost all control, Dr Robotnik!" The ship plunges into the sea. Dr Robotnik: "Curse you Sonic!, I'll get you!" yelled the mad doctor, as he lowered his rants are turned to bubbles. The hedgehog and fox siblings spot an aircraft carrier nearby. Sonic:" Hey Tails, land the X-Tornado there, if you please." Tails: "Got it." soon Tails lands the X-Tornado onto the aircraft carrier. Tails: "Alright!, we did it!" Sonic: "This isn't over, you know." Tails: "Yeah, I know." Sonic: "Eggman's gotten more dangerous than ever now, we may have won the battle, but the war is just starting." said the blue hedgehog, as he and Tails looked at the ocean where the mad doctor's ship crashed landed.

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