That Stupid Call

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Here we go again. Me, sitting at a bar, by myself, because I have literally nothing better to do. I don't have anyone in this god forsaken country, and can't afford to get close to anyone because I could be called to duty at any moment, although I only have to do one more short tour before I can retire for good.

The bartender approaches me, pulling me out of sorrow-filled daydreaming. I look up at him, look up at the man I once lived with, the man I thought I might have loved once upon a time. Jey. "Iris, go home, you've had enough to drink tonight," he says so calmly, like nothing ever happened, like he never left out of the blue, like his smile, his soft words, don't pull me right back in every. fucking. time.

"Fine." I pull my phone out to order an Uber. "The fuck you care anyway?" I finally get an Uber to respond, it will be here in ten minutes so I start gathering my stuff.

"I care because its you, I. I'll always care about you." He says in sweet voice, looking so concerned and loving as he speaks. My knees buckle a little.

I have to get myself together, I can't do this again. "You didn't exactly care when you left out of nowhere and never so much as called" I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Don't start this again, I've apologized a million times," He gets angrier as I mention what he did to me.

"Okay, fine." I walk out of the bar, my Uber soon pulls up and I get in it. The driver takes me to my apartment. I walk inside, setting my stuff down. It's so empty in here, barely furnished or decorated, but I can't do much with a space I don't plan on keeping much longer. I walk over to my desk and open my laptop, I have so many emails that need responded to, hopefully a few will be jobs and not some stupid ad. I open my priority folder to find one labeled "WWE". Holy. Shit. Is this for real?

I open the email. It consisted of some executive asking me to run a class with some of their talent on safely doing some stunt skills and working on just overall safety in a public buisness. I respond immediately, accepting the position. Ahh, I can't believe this happening right now. This is what I needed, something new, interesting, exciting. I soon get a call from an unknown number, I answer and it's the executive I was emailing. He gives me details on the position and when I need to be at the office building in Orlando. I accept politely. He congradulates me and gives me some tips for starting, one of which is to do some research on the talent. I agree and we quickly disconnect the call. I immeaditely start researching the most popular talent.

That's when I see it. That's when I see her. That's when I see the girl that ruined my life in the best and worst ways possible. The one that made me realize I was bisexual. The one I had matching tattoos with. Demi, fucking, Bennett, or should I say, Rhea 'bloody' Ripley. Goddamn it.


Hey guys, the start of this book is a little rough and short but I promise it gets better and longer as the story progresses, just stick with it. Love you all, thank you for reading.

Bye bye

Love, H🤍

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