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"Come on, Rhe. We got more shots and there's another line." Liv called for me from across the club. I was dancing and having fun with this really hot chick, Tracy? Kacey? Hell if I know but she was a red head and curvy as fuck.

I invited her to come with me as I made my way back to the table with Liv. She followed and soon we were all doing multiple shots and Liv and I had done at least 3 lines.

I don't really know at what point I started doing this every weekend but the endless pill popping was starting to catch up with me. Even Damian had approached me and said I look awful recently. I tried to tell Liv that I wanted to slow down but once we entered the club I fell right back in.

It's not that bad. I haven't done anything completely destructive. I'm fine. It's all fine.

The night progressed and we all got increasingly high and drunk. Liv was dancing on our table and I was completely entranced with the fine ass specimen, Macey? I give up.

After that I have no idea what happened. I blacked out and when I woke up I was on the floor of Liv's, or I guess Gi since we aren't in public, bathroom, half dressed, feeling like a truck just hit me. Quickly I sat up and immediately threw up in the toilet.

Well isn't that just... fabulous.

I made my way out to the living room where Gi was sitting. "Hey, Babe. You look kinda rough." She smirked at me, still full of energy per usual.

"No shit, how much did we do last night?" I rubbed over my eyes, slowly coming over to sit down beside her.

"You did a lot more than me and I did a lot. Take some of these and you'll feel better." She holds out her hand which holds three different colored pills.

"What are they?" I might do drugs a lot but I'm not a complete idiot. I'm not going to kill myself.

"It doesn't matter, they aren't that bad. They'll boost you up, just take them." It sounded kinda sketchy but I love Gi so I trust her. I take the pills from her and down them.

"Come here, Babygirl." Gi whispered in my eyes, pulling me closer to her with her hand on my thigh. Slowly I climbed over her, straddling over her. She closed the gap between our lips and slipped her tongue in my mouth almost immediately. We continue kissing until I make my way down to her neck, sucking and licking at the skin. She lets out a light moan at my touch, bucking her hips to try and get some release.

"Someone's desperate." I smirk at her, breaking our contact. She whimpers at the lack of touch but makes eye contact with me, smiling.

"For you, always. It's been a while since I had your attention. I need you, especially after watching you with that whore last night." She pouts at me. She's right, it has been a while since it was just me and her, usually there's someone else with one of us, or both of us.

"Well you're all mine now, princess, and I'm all yours." I smirk at her for a second before turning my attention back to her very hot body.

And that's how we spent the rest of our evening. Orgasm after orgasm, pill after pill, the more tired we got the more pills we took until we both passed out in bed. That's about how it ended every time Gi and I had a day to ourselves.


While I was doing my last set at the gym I could hear my phone going off constantly. It's like 5am, who the fuck is texting me?

I finished the set and walked over to pick up my phone. I had like 10 missed texts from Calista. Calista literally never texts me, she's usually on a plane or beach somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I open the texts.

Baby Sis🍼🤍: Demi istg open your phone

Baby Sis🍼🤍: DEMIII



What the fuck does she need my address for? What the hell is she talking about? I call her, some hope of figuring out what's happening.

"DEMI! Hi! Omg you took forever." She answered loudly, screaming in my ear as soon as she answered.

"Calista, what do you want? Why do you need my address?" I was still so confused and she's not being helpful.

"I'm in Orlando, I just landed here and I need to know your address so I can get an Uber. Surprise!"

"You're kidding. What the fuck are you doing in Florida?"

"Not kidding, I just really wanted to see you. I've had some shit go wrong for me recently and I thought it would be fun to go see my big sister. Is that so bad?" She sounded sad, something happened, and recently. At least she knows she always has me.

"It's okay, Cali. I'll come and get you, I'm at the gym so just give me like 20 minutes and I'll be there, okay?" To be fair, I missed my sister so much. Growing up we fought but she's my best friend and one of the only people who got me while I was in school.

"Okay." And she hung up.

Quickly I gathered my things and got in my truck, driving straight to the airport to pick her up.

When I got there she was standing outside waiting. I hopped out of my truck and ran over to her. "CALI!"

"DEMI!" She ran to me, reaching to hug me.

I took a step back with my hands up, "I just got out of the gym, I'm all sweaty."

"I couldn't care less, I just need a hug from my sister, please." I dropped my hands and wrapped her up in a hug, holding her tight. God she looks so much like I did when I was younger. It's so strange seeing her here, normally I only see her when I go home and she happens to be there too.

We hugged for a while before I brought her to my truck, throwing her bag in the back, and took her to my house.

We hung out all night and I agreed to take her with me to Smackdown so she could see me wrestle my dark match. I wasn't alone anymore. I had my sister. For the first time in a while, we snuggled up on my couch, watched movies, and just got to be sisters again.

God, I missed her.

She looked up at me as we sat on the couch, a smile lighting up her face. "What?" She giggled.

"Nothing, I'm just really glad you're here, Cali." I smiled at her, kissing her forehead.

She buried her way deeper into my side, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm glad I'm here too, Sis."

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now