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After the show, Cali and I made our way backstage. The show was pretty good and Rhea did well so we headed back so we could both get our stuff and leave. As we got backstage I noticed Damian yelling at who I believe to be... Drew? They were yelling back and forth at each other over god knows what when Damian stepped back into me.

He immediately turned around. "Oh shit, Iris. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were-" he was cut off by a strong push on his shoulder. I turned to see Rhea, who came out of nowhere, still in gear and sweaty, pushing him away.

"What the fuck are you doing? Did you just hit her? Stay the fuck away from her if you two are just going to be careless and injure people around you." She was clearly pissed. I guess she saw what just happened, but I was fine. Nothing was wrong.

I reached forward to grab her arm but she rolled out of my grasp. Damian took a step back with his hands up. "Yo, sis, I for real didn't see her. I'm sorry." He looked worried, not scared as most would be as he is friends with her, but worried she might actually hit him.

Before anything else could happen, Cali and I ran up and grabbed Rhea's arms, forcing her to go back to her dressing room. We practically threw her into the room before closing the door. "What the fuck, you two? Did he hurt you? He needs to know he can't do that, I'll fucking hit him back." She was still yelling.

Cali stepped forwards, placing her hands on Rhea's shoulders. "Dem, it's okay. Iris barely got hit and he apologized. It doesn't matter." She was trying to be a voice of reason, trying to calm Rhea down.

"What the fuck are you even talking about? Were you the one hit? No. So I'm allowed to be pissed that he hit her. It does fucking matter. I know not a lot of value matters to you, Calista, but most people actually have people that matter that they don't want to be injured." Rhea was being bitter, speaking before thinking.

I could see Cali about to tell a response back so I stepped between them, taking Cali's shoulders and lightly pushing her towards the door. "It's okay, let me talk to her. You go cool down." I told her, hoping she would listen. She did and left, shutting the door behind her.

I turned around to a still fuming Rhea, pacing back and forth. "Hey, Rhea, come here. I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine, come feel." I gently reach and grab her hand, pulling it to me. She hesitantly places her hands on my waist, looking at me for approval as she played with the bottom of my shirt.

Of course that's what she wanted. Skin on skin, the one thing that helps her calm down. I nodded my head in approval as she gently lifts my shirt and places her hands on the skin of my waist. I look to her hands quickly before looking up to her eyes. Her gaze was on my hips but as I lifted my head she met my eyes, a spark of fire appearing and disappearing in her pupils so fast I thought I might've imagined it. She looked down at me as I looked up, the heat between us so comfortable. This felt completely natural, like we never separate.

"Those boots make you tall, I'm used to being eye level with you." She smirks at my comment. She's only an inch or two taller than me but the boots she wears at events tend to have at least an 4 inch heel.

"Gives me a better view," she says, her voice dark and smothered in lust. Her eyes drop down my body, moving slowly to look me up and down. Subconsciously we both leaned in because by the time she looked back to my eyes we were near inches apart, only a centimeter of space separating our lips. I went to close the space, just wanting her, when she stopped me. She places a soft hand on my chest, looking deep in my eyes. "Why'd you leave? The other week after Raw when you took me home. Why'd you leave? Why didn't you stay with me?" Her voice is soft but I can hear the hurt behind it, a mix that confused me greatly.

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted me to. Last time I stayed you kicked me out, made me feel like I had done something wrong and that I'd bothered you. I didn't want to bother you. You needed sleep and rest. I thought you wanted me to go." I'm confused by her words, all she's been yelling at me for almost a month is that I don't matter anymore to her. That she doesn't want me around. And now she's upset that I didn't stay?

She took a step away from me, looking in my eyes with hurt and anger. Anger, but not anger directed at me, more like she was angry with herself, what she had done. "I didn't want that. I didn't want you to go. I feel asleep on your chest. I cried in your arms for hours," her voice starts to raise, "and you think I wanted you to leave? That doesn't even make sense. I needed you, I was vulnerable and you left again. And I get that most of this is my fault but- God Iris. I can't fucking do this. I can't get whiplash from you and my own fucking brain. That shits not fair." She's practically screaming at me right now. I understand but at the same time I can't help but also be angry.

"D-Rhea, whatever the fuck is happening every time we're around each other isn't working. We're screaming constantly, you are clearly not okay, and I have barely had time to settle. I get you're angry with me but I also know that based on what you, and many others, have told me you need to talk to someone who can actually help you before you fall back into old habits. You can't do this right now, not with Cali here." I know I sounded harsh but she won't listen, she never listens. I don't know what else to do.

"You don't know shit." Her face curled into disgust as she straightened her back and started to walk out. "No body knows shit, not about me, not about my sister. You don't know anything." She stormed out. Her behavior changing so suddenly, it was as if she built a wall around herself so she wouldn't have to deal with this situation. She built herself a suit of armor to protect her heart. Protect her heart from me.

A few moments passed before another head popped in the door. A young, blond, beautiful head full of concern. Cali. "Follow her, stay with her. She needs you right now. Please." I looked at Cali softly, still speaking with a slightly sharp tone to carry my point of seriousness. D-Rhea needed someone and right now, maybe never again, I'm not that person.

Cali gave me a nod, smiling slightly at me. She walked closer, pulling in one last hug before softly whispering in my ear, "I got her, I promise." With that she turned away and left, following after her sister.


I didn't it again.

I fucked this up again.

She wanted me and I left, I ruined my chance of being let back in.

A single tear falls faintly down my cheek as I stare at the empty doorway.

I should've been the one. I should be the one.

Yet I can't.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now