The eyes

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15 missed calls

74 missed texts

I've tried everything to get her to talk to me. The only reason I know she's alive is because Raquel told me she was. Raquel knew she wasn't answering and made sure I wasn't panicking, I will forever be thankful for that.

I know that she's mad, or annoyed. I don't know why, but I'll give her time. As long as she's safe, I'll stay away.


I don't know what to do anymore. I don't hate her but I can't stand to be around her. It just makes me angry, but then the feelings go away and all I can do is admire her.

God I fucking hate my brain.

Why am I broken? Why am I the problem? Why me?

I managed to stay around Re and make sure I wasn't hiding myself. I know she, and Iris, are worried about me and I don't want either of them to feel responsible so I stay around, making sure at least one of them knows I'm fine.

I have a match tonight, against Liv. I hate when they do this. They throw me in storylines with her and she talks to me more and I can't thrown right back into the same spirals. I just need to focus, get the match over with, and leave before I start something again.

I get dressed and have the makeup artist do a semi-simple look for tonight. There's nothing big happening so I don't have to go overboard. All I have to do is go out and attack her and it'll all be done.


I have tickets again tonight so I get to sit right beside the ring. This is the only way I can make sure she's truly alright, even if she doesn't care, even if I shouldn't care. I need to make sure she's still okay.

Raw starts and the matches all go smoothly, Raw is always fairly exciting and the matches go well. About half way in, Liv's music hit. It seemed like she was supposed to have a match but she was attacked by Rhea. It was brutal.

She looks pissed. Her eyes are dark. She looks different, gone almost.

 She looks different, gone almost

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She absolutely obliterated Liv. The way Liv was screaming, the continuous stomps and insults thrown at Liv. It was rough to watch. Rhea seemed out of it, and way too angry.

After the match, I slowly managed to make my way backstage. I know she won't talk to me but I might be able to get Raquel to check on her or at least tell me what the hell is happening.




I jump out of my haze.


I look around annoyed, noticing that Raquel is directly in front of me.

"What the hell happened out there? You were really brutal. Something seemed wrong, are you okay?" She looked seriously concerned.

"What are you talking about?" I haven't moved, I just got ready. What is she even saying?

"Rhea, you just went out there and attacked Liv. You completely tore her apart. It was really aggressive." She touched my arm. "Do you seriously not remember? What happened?"

"I remember I was about to go out and I was trying to distract myself from her so I would pull any of my old shit. Then it kinda just felt like I was in overdrive. It all got hazy and then you were yelling in my face"

She looked at me almost sad. Did I really just force myself to dissociate so that I could avoid her? Did I really do all of that? What the hell happened?

Goddamn it. If I seriously hurt her... what the hell did I do?


When I got backstage I searched everywhere to find her. When I did see her she was talking to Raquel so I slowly hid in the shadows and listened to their conversation.

God, I feel like a creep, but I need to know what happened.

"What the hell happened out there? You were really brutal. Something seemed wrong, are you okay?" Raquel pretty much yelled in her face, she seemed fairly concerned.

"What are you talking about?" Rhea responded hesitantly, she still seemed out of it and confused.

"Rhea, you just went out there and attacked Liv. You completely tore her apart. It was really aggressive." She reached out and touch Rhea's arm. "Do you seriously not remember? What happened?"

"I remember I was about to go out and I was trying to distract myself from her so I would pull any of my old shit. Then it kinda just felt like I was in overdrive. It all got hazy and then you were yelling in my face"

What? She seriously doesn't remember anything that just happened? She just did all of that and doesn't remember?

I knew something was wrong, something was up. I knew she wasn't happy about working with Liv again, after everything. But this? This was too far, her body shut itself down, turned off her mind. She's not okay, she clearly hasn't dealt with any of this.

She needs help.

But I can't help her.

She doesn't want me. She told me to go. She won't talk or look at me. I can't help her. But I have to find someone who can.

I was about to go and try to figure out what to do when Rhea turned the corner and saw me. She stopped and just stared at me, like she was confused on why I was there but also dazed still.

"Hi. I'm so sorry, I was just leaving. Umm-" I panic a bit as I try to leave. But I don't make it very far before there's a strong hand on my arm, pulling me back.

I turn around and see her, looking at me with those eyes.

Those puppy eyes.

The eyes I've only seen her use when she's desperate, needy. The eyes she uses when all she wants is me and my attention.

The eyes I give into every. damn. time.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now