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"Wait." Her voice was so soft, breaking just a bit at the end of the word.

I could feel my heart shatter.

I turn completely to face her, looking into her eyes, trying to fathom what was wrong and how everything could go so so wrong.

"Did-," her voice goes breathy and breaks, "did I really do all that? Did I really hurt her? I don't remember any of it and I don't know what to do and I just-"

I take a step closer to her, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. "You did. You did all of that. But the fact that you don't remember any of it just proves that I need you to listen to me. You need help, you need to work through your issues and stay on your meds. It is so so dangerous for you to go out there and not remember anything, not be completely in control. It's a trauma response, your brain trying to protect you, but it will never work how you want it to. You need to find something better, and work through your issues."

My heart brakes for her but this might be the one moment she listens to me, she might actually listen and follow what I'm saying.

She looks at me for a second before turning around, trying to avoid me, trying to hide her quivering lip and the tears lining her eyes. But I see it all, I know her, I know what she's doing even if she's trying everything to hide the fact that she is broken, breaking down further.


God, why am I doing this?

Why am I so fucking pathetic?

She doesn't care, she shouldn't, I pushed her, and yet here I am breaking down and all I want is her. All I want is for her to hold me and tell me it's all going to be okay. But she won't, because I ruined it.

I ruin everything.

"Preciosa, don't ignore me." She whispers behind me. The nickname catches me off guard. She only speaks in Spanish when her feelings take over. She only speaks to me in Spanish when it really really matters.

I spin around to look at her, slightly confused. "Preciosa?" I ask her. "The last time you called me that you breaking down in my arms after your mom-" I cut off the sentence, shaking off the memory.

"I know. Clearly her language takes over about as much as her attitude with in me." She seems to also shake off the memory of that day, everything that happened.

"Iris- I don't know what to do." My voice breaks again without my permission. Before I can turn back around to hide it, I'm wrapped up in her arms. Her hold is so strong and warm, everything I missed, everything I love.

I don't even realize I'm crying until her shirt is covered in tears. "I'm sorry, your shirt-," I try to pull away. She pulls me back in, holding me even closer.

"I've got you, I'm so sorry I wasn't here before." She whispers it so softly in my ear that I barely hear it but that's all it takes for me to completely break down in her arms, sobbing. I release all the built up emotions I've had, all the anger, sadness, guilt, regret, longing. I sob and sob into her as she just holds me, that's all she does, and she never once complains.

She does this all for me.


"Eso es inaceptable, en mi casa jamás harás eso ni te sentirás de esa manera tan repugnante. Esa es la obra del diablo, mi día no participará en esas acciones. Si esa chica te está guiando a esto, Dios la matará y no podrás hablar ni acercarte a ella nunca más. ¿Me entiendes? Ella es malvada. Ella es el diablo. No irás por ese camino en mi casa."
*That is unacceptable, not in my house will you ever do that or feel that disgusting way. That is the devil's work, my daughter will not participate in those actions. If that girl is leading you to this then she will dealt with by god and you will not be allowed to speak or go near her ever again. Do you understand me? She is evil. She's the devil. You will not be going down that road in my house.

My mother was screaming at me. When she gets really angry she yells in Spanish. She found a text I had sent to Demi that said I love you. She believes that I'm going to become demonic and go down the wrong path. She hates all of this, hates who I really am. I can't even talk to my own mom about what I feel because she thinks it'll get me killed and burned in hell.

"Mama, please. It was nothing, please." I pleaded and pleaded with her, begging her to let me see Demi. Tears filled my eyes as she screamed at me, called us both devils. I love my mom so much, but this. This was too much.

After she finished screaming she told me to leave for a bit so I could learn my lesson and she could calm down. I took the opportunity knowing if I didn't I would probably be beat with the chancla or my phone smashed, neither of which I wanted.

I ran out the door and ran straight to Demi's house, she lived like 2 blocks away so it wasn't very far but it was far enough.

When I got there I knocked on the door, tears streaming down my face, my breath non existent as I feel like I can't get any air to my lungs. Demi's mom opens the door and looks at me with such a worried face.

"Oh hun, come here. What's wrong?" She pulled me into her arms. How could someone not even related to me be so kind but my own mother be so cruel. She simply held me, rocking back and forth a bit.

I managed to breathe a bit more and choke back my sobs. "I- is she h- home?" I muttered, barely able to get the words out.

"Not yet, she's on her way from Riot. She'll be here soon, come in." She led me inside, taking me to their family room when Cali was sitting on the couch. Their mom left to get me some water and Cali took the comforting into her own hands. She's a few years younger than me but she's one of my best friends and it truly feels like she's my little sister.

Cali pulled me into a hug and sat with me on the couch, letting me cry softly into her. She gently ran her fingers through my hair and just let me try to catch my breath back.

After about 10 minutes, Demi opened the door, laughing behind her at something her dad had said. She turned around with a big smile on her face, until she saw me. Her face dropped and she ran over to me, pulling me up from my place beside Calista.

"Demi, I-," sobs over took me as she held me in her arms. I was shaking and whimpering, clearly not able to get a hold on myself. I think she wanted me to have some privacy because she picked me up and carried me to her room, placing me on her bed.

She got down on her knees in front of me, holding my hands in hers. "Ris, talk to me. Please just talk to me. I need to know what's wrong and you need to calm down and breathe before you throw up or pass out." She was clearly worried, looking up at me with such care.

"M-my mom found o-our texts," I sob a bit more, trying to regather myself. "She screamed at me and told me to leave for the night. I- Dems I don't know what to do." I collapse into her, needing support so I don't crumple inside myself.

She climbed up onto the bed and pulled me into her arms, holding me close. "I'm so sorry, Ris. I've got you, you can stay here however long you need. We're here for you." She kissed my head and looked down at me, an almost scared look in her eyes. "If you don't want to, if you want to end all this I understand. She's your mom, your family, she comes first"

I sat up immediately, not letting her continue that thought. "Preciosa, I will never leave you. Especially not for someone who doesn't care about what I really want." I pull her close to me, our foreheads together as I look into her eyes. "Te amo, mi amor. Por siempre y para siempre."
*I love you, my love. Forever and always.

I know she didn't understand completely what I said, but she understood what she needed to. We pulled each other in and laid down, cuddling up. She comforted me for a while before I finally fell asleep, el amor de mi vida beside me.

I would never leave Demi, not like that. Not for her wishes.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now