I need you.

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When everyone arrived I was going back and forth between pacing and sitting on the ground in the corner with my head tucked between my legs. D- Rhea's parents were probably not going to be able to come, which I completely understood with them so far away. But the rest of them came immediately, the room was crowded with her friends and the doctors would only really talk to Damian, as he was her emergency contact.

The doctors came out and everyone popped up. They came and told Damian that she was going to be okay, she was on I.Vs and lost a lot of blood but she should be fine. They did put her on a 72 hour psych hold, however.

I crumpled back into the corner. Thank fuck she was okay but I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I shouldn't have said no to coming to America. I should have never kissed her. I should have never let myself fall.

I started sobbing into my legs, covering myself into the darkness of my thoughts. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to find Dom and Raquel standing over me.

Dom crouched down to my level. "Iris, she's going to be okay. She is tough, you know that."

Raquel popped down too. "I see how you two look at each other, as much as you guys don't want to admit it, you love each other. When she wakes up she is only going to want you."

"This is my fault, she won't want to see me. She's only here because of me." I bury my head back into my legs and they walk away.


I woke up dazed, confused, and aching. Everything hurt but I felt better mentally. I have tubes hooked up to me and was lying in a hospital bed in a room I knew well.

They put me in a fucking psych hold.

I mean I knew they were going to but it still pissed off, but what made it worse was that the doctors and Damian were the only ones in the room. The doctors gave me a speech on meds and how I'm on the correct ones right now and need to stay on them. Damian assured me that none of them were narcotics, and then proceeded to tell me that no one else was allowed in because they would only let the emergency contact and my family in, which my family was on the other side of the world.

I told Damian to bring the others in and he did, well almost. He brought Dom, Finn, and Raquel in, but they weren't who I wanted. "Where's she?"

"She's still out there I think, she shoved herself into a corner of the waiting room and won't move."

"Someone needs to go get her, tell her I'm awake."

Raquel lightly touched my shoulder. "Ri, she knows your awake, I tried. She just kept saying all of this was her fault and you wouldn't want her."

My heart broke, tears flooded.

None of this was her fault, I need her, I want her, I- I love her.

"I want her. Only her. Please get her in here."

Raquel nodded and left the room. Damian came closer, picking my chin up to look at him. "Sis," his eyes teared up, "never fucking do that to me again."

I pulled him into a hug and we both cried. For the first time since a little after I got to the U.S. we cried together.

I heard the door open and quickly pulled away to look. Standing in the door was a rumpled up, broken, on the verge of sobbing, sweet Iris. She looked like she might fall over with the next breeze, like she'd been crying for hours upon hours.

My voice choked and a tear fell. "Ris, please come here." She slowly walked over to me, looking in my eyes as her tears started to rush as well. I opened my arms up so she would come to me. "Please, I need you."

She climbed into the bed with me, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her so close. I heard her finally break, completely sobbing in my arms. It didn't take long for me to do the same.

Damian and the rest of them said goodbye and left quickly, leaving us. We stayed together for a while just crying. We finally pulled away.

Iris looked up at me, "it's all my fault, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to."

I placed my finger over her lips, shutting her up. "Don't blame yourself, I know you didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

She looked at me, taking my face in her hands. "You have to start taking your pills, your disorder is taking over, it's making your life harder, you need a break, a way to feel better. You have to take the pills."

I looked down, ashamed of everything I was about to admit. "Iris, it's- it's hard for me. When I first got here, I got mixed with the wrong crowd. I was trying to distract myself from you and I ended up with Liv. She was, still is, a party animal. Drugs, alcohol, dancing, sex, she did it all and had no care and she brought me into all of it. I got addicted, and it got bad, for years. Damian and Raquel tried to help but I wasn't listening. They figured out that something was going on mentally which was just fueling the need to fell nothing. That's why they put me on a psych hold the first time. After that I was better, until about a year ago when WWE decided to put Liv and I in a tag team together. Being with her again, we fell back into the same pattern. All I was focused on was sex, drugs, alcohol, and parties. I almost lost my job, but Raquel threw me into meetings and with the help of Seth as my sponsor I got better. But not really because my fear of going back has clearly been messing with me mentally and has blocked me from wanting to take the pills, even if they're for good."

I looked at her, knowing all of this was very overwhelming.

She looked at me with those soft eyes, hands on my face. "So you need help?"

"Yea- yea I guess I need help."

She smiled. "Then let me help. Let me care for you again. Let me l- love you, D- Rhea."

I let out a breath I've kept in for too long.


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