Happy Birthday

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When I woke up in the morning, Rhea was no where to be seen. I sat up and looked around the room but I didn't see her so I got up to look around the house.

I found her in the kitchen, she looked like she was making a protein shake. "Hey, you okay? How long have you been up?" I looked at her softly.

She turned around and looked annoyed. She rolled her eyes, "Iris, I have things to do. Just stay out of my way, okay?"

"I- Is everything okay?" I'm so confused. We fell asleep together last night and now she's acting like she did when we first saw each other. She seemed off again. Agitated, fidgety, distant, something was wrong.

"Just leave." She snapped. She walked past me and out the door, leaving the house.

I was left there, completely confused. What the fuck just happened? We were fine, or I thought we were.

I packed up all my stuff and left as well, there's no point in me staying if she doesn't want me here. I did leave her note that said "Call me if you need. I'm still here."

Now that we're back in Orlando, I can finally ship all my things to the new apartment WWE set up for me here. A lot of my stuff is in storage, but the rest of it can be sent and delivered quickly so I can actually live.

I go to my new apartment and set up what I can, making it all feel a bit more like home. A ping sounded on my phone so I grabbed it, hoping it was a text from her. The only notification on my phone was a picture memory from 12 years ago, a picture from when I was 18. A 17 year old Demi standing beside me, cake on her nose and on my finger as I kiss her cheek. That's was the night it all happened, the night I knew I was completely in love with her.


"Happy birthday, dear Demi. Happy birthday to youuu." We finish the song up. Demi blows out her candles and then looks over at me.

"What did you wish for?" Her mom asks, smiling.

Demi looks to me and smirks but then turns back to her mom. "I can't tell you that, or it wouldn't come true, and this wish really needs to come true." She looks back over to me and leans in to kiss me.

I smile against her lips. God I love her so much. I hear Calista in the background, "Aww, you two are so cute. I want what you two have."

We pull away and smile at Calista. I stand up and pull her into a hug. "Love you too, Cali."

We spend the next few hours handing out and celebrating. Demi was really happy that I was able to come back from college for her birthday, she's spent the whole day clinging to me.

I had gotten a hotel room for the week I would be back in Adelaide, so after the party Demi came with me to the hotel so we could binge watch horror movies and cuddle.

We made it to my hotel and I gave her some of my sweats so we could be comfy while cuddling, plus she looked hot as fuck in my clothes. I was a bigger than her, my muscles bigger, so the clothes hung off of her more.

We laid in the bed, starting to the movies. There was a really cheesy romance scene that I thought was kind of dumb but then I heard Demi's breath catch. I looked at her, smiling because I didn't think the scene was that good, but then I noticed how far my hand had ventured up her thigh. She had her eye closed, softly biting on her lip.

I let my hand roam back down a bit before making my way to the waistband of her shorts. She looked over at me, still biting her lip. She was begging me with her eyes, looking between my eyes and my lips. I grabbed her hips, pulling her over my lap. She straddled me, grabbing my face and kissing me deeply. Gently, I move her hips so she grinds into me.

"Fuck, Ris." She moaned out, continuing to kiss me.

I move my mouth down her, licking her jaw to her ear, then making my way down her neck, lightly sucking. She rolled her head back, giving me more access. I kissed down her collarbone. There's too much fabric between us, not enough skin.

I pull back and pull her shirt off. She quickly unbuckles her bra and throws it. I try to go back to kissing her hot body but she grabs my shirt to pull it off too. I let her pull the shirt off, wearing no bra. We are both completely topless.

I lean in, taking one of her nipples in my mouth. I lick small circles over her nipple, she grabs my hair and pulls. The pain just adds more pleasure. I pull back away to kiss her more. While we make out I take her nipple between my fingers, rubbing it and flicking it. Her teeth biting with every interaction, slowly biting on my lip as we kiss.

She pulls away from me. "Have me Iris, please."

"What do you want, Mamas? Use your words." I smirk, looking at her beautiful eyes.

Her head rolled back before she looked at me again. "Make me cum for you, Baby. Please." She begged me, biting her lip.

I roll us both over, pulling her shorts and panties off in one go. I start to kiss her stomach, making my way down gently. I avoid where she wants me and move down her legs, kissing them both.

She grabbed my hair, pulling me up to her. "Please, don't tease me."

"Patience, I'm getting there." I crawl back down, rubbing up and down her thighs before lightly kissing her clit.

She let out a soft moan and I licked through her completely. Her back arched and her legs spread to give me more access. I continued to slowly lick through her, pressing my tongue inside of her.

"Fuck. Oh god, keep going." She moaned out.

I started to suck at her clit, sucking and then licking in small circles using the ball of my tongue. She seemed to be getting closer, her breath caught, making inaudible sounds.

I gently pressed one finger inside her, she gasped as I curled it up, thrusting it in and out, hitting the perfect spot. All the pressure was building, her hold on my hair getting tighter.

"Fuck, I'm so close. I'm so close, baby."

"Cum for me, Mamas. Cum on my face, make your pretty sounds." I continue what I was doing.

My words send her over the edge. Her back arches, her hips buck, she pulls hard on my scalp. I use my tongue and finger to help her ride it out.

Once she calms down, I crawl back up to her tired and pleasured face. I push the finger I had inside her into her mouth, making her suck herself off my finger. Then I captured her in a deep, passionate kiss. The mix of her taste still on my lips, with the taste of her mouth was so perfect.

I pull back and hold her face. "You did so good, Mamas. Such a good girl for me, you're so good."

She smiled once before we nuzzled into each other and quickly fell asleep, pleasured and exhausted.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now