A Friend of a Friend

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"Come on, don't be a little bitch, you already agreed to do it." I tease Demi as she sits in the car with me.

"I know I agreed but it's going to hurt and I don't know if I can." She whines at me, clearly scared and bowing out.

I take her hand in mine and hold it. "I won't force you if you really don't want to do this but I know you do want to so stop being a little bitch and lets do this." I laugh as a small smile appears on her lips. She nods her head and we get out of my car, walking into the tattoo shop together. We go in and the atist comes out asking us about what we want. We give her the picture Rhea sketched of our matching tattoos. God she is so good at sketching, even if she'll never see that herself.

The artist asks us who's going first and Demi looks at me with pleading eyes. I laugh a bit before I volunteer. I go lay down on the table as the artist sets up, Demi comes to my side, nervous about her tattoo but ready to comfort me for mine. I have a few other tattoos but Demi didn't turn 18 barely a year ago so this is her first tattoo. Mine goes quickly and is fairly painless but I let her comfort me anyway to make her feel better. Then it's her turn. She lays down on the table and the artist starts the progress. Demi immediately squeezed my hand so hard I thought she was going to break it.

The artist starts her tattoo and she quickly realizes how well she can handle it, she seems to relax and just lets the process continue. The tattoo ends quickly and she stands up with me as we look in the mirror. She smiles as she sees our new additions. I pull my phone out and take a picture, our outfits complete opposites of each other. I'm in a white t-shirt, with black jeans and a black belt, in the photo my pants are unbuttoned and pulled down so the tattoo is visible as are my white underwear underneath. Demi is in a black t-shirt, tan pants with a black belt, and her pants are also unbuckled and pulled down low enough to show her tattoo as well as her black underwear. Perfect opposites.


How the fuck did manage to be seated next to the person I hoped I could avoid? Why does the universe hate me recently? I try so hard to ignore her, she slowly sits down beside me. I can smell her, god she still has that same smell, like rain and rose. She looks so different now, she dyed her hair black, she got so many more tattoos, and she gained so much muscle. God I didn't realize she could get more beautiful. Stop it, Iris. Get yourself together. I move away a bit, trying not to draw attention to myself. She clearly hasn't noticed it's me yet, maybe I look different enough that she won't notice at all.

"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I love that book." Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts. She's talking to me, she's reading the title of the book in my hands.  My book. The one I'm reading. The one she apparently likes as well. Fuck.

"Yea, it's a good book." I try to remain inconspicuous, not looking up at her. She seems to back off, leaving me alone n my solitude for the rest of the flight. As we start to get off she stands up to get her luggage, some guys approach her that I can only assume are her friends as they all start talking. I look up at them as I stand and Demi and I lock eyes. She look at me for a second, looking confused before a look of realization floods her face. I panic as I realize she knows who I am now.

"Iris?" She says softly, almost silent but I still hear her. Neither of us have time to say anything else as she gets pushed away by her friends. They all exit the plane. Fuck. She saw me. She knows who I am. Fuck. I shake off the feelings that just got brought up and I grab my bag. I get off the plane, practically running to get a rental car so I can head to my hotel. I quickly get my car and head to the hotel. I find a parking spot and take my bags in as I stop at the front desk to get my room info. I go upstairs to my room, shutting the door, throwing my stuff down, and sprawling out on the bed. I feel like I haven't slept in weeks, but I guess it has been like 3 days almost. I have around two hours before the class so I decide I'm going to take a nap before. I set an alarm and lay down, getting comfortable. That is until the door opens and some girl walks in.

"Hello?" I ask strongly, extremely confused on why some random woman just walked into my hotel room. I mean she was a pretty woman, she was tall, brunette, muscular. She seemed friendly but I was still confused on why she was here.

"Oh, you're new around here right? They didn't explain to you how the hotels work?" She said calmly like she wasn't still invading. I just shook my head at her. "Well basically WWE is super cheap so they double up all the rooms, that's why there is two beds and not one. Sorry they didn't tell you that."

I looked at her confused again, "Oh, okay I guess." I was still a bit unsure of the whole situation but I guess if this was the norm I should probably get used to it. She introduced herself as Victoria Gonzalez, but her ring name is Raquel so she said to just call her that. I accepted the news, introduced myself, and we both started to unpack. Throughout the time we started talking, sharing stories, getting to know each other. We would both rather talk now than it be akward and silent later on. I start talking about my background a little bit, bringing up the fact that I'm from Australia.

"Oh, my best friend is from Australia, that's so weird." She says enthusiastically.

"Oh really? What part?"

"She's from Adelaide."

"Oh, that's where I went to high school, that is such a coincidence."

"Yea, you probably wouldn't know her though, she's a few years younger than you."

That was when all the peices started to click together. Younger than me, from Adelaide, a friend of a wrestler, most likely a wresler themselves. Her best friend is Demi. I look up at Raquel again. "What's your friend's name?" I ask in a very fake, not so panicked voice.

"Oh her name is Rhea, but I guess back home she would've been known as Demi. Demi Bennett."

Oh fuck.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now