My forever

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After a few days, Rhea was finally released from the hospital. I took her home and got her all set up.

I walked into her kitchen. "What do you have in here that I can make for you?" I started to look through her cabinets.

"There's protein bowls in my fridge, that'll be fine." She smiled and sat down at the island.

I quickly made her a bowl and put it in front of her. "You need to take your pills, I know you hate them but you have to. I can't have anything happening to you. And I promise I won't let you fall again."

"You don't have to do that, I know our relationship isn't the best right now. I can take care of myself, it'll be fine." She started to eat.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving again, not without you wanting me to. Please, we'll just take them and it'll be fine." I pulled out the bottle of pills and handed her one.

She brought it to her mouth, hesitantly put it in her mouth. But then she just stared at me, not moving, not swallowing. She looked like it hurt to even think about the motion. I needed to find a way to make her swallow.

"Come on, you can do it. It'll be okay." I tried to comfort her.

She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, pouting at the thought of having to take the pill. Goddamn it, how do I get her to do this?

"Swallow it and I won't be annoying tonight and for the next week to make sure you're actually okay." I smile.

She agrees and swallows the pill, it looks like it hurts her to do, but she does it for herself.

I spent the rest of the night cleaning and doing little things around her house while she relaxed. Later that night, we say goodnight, she goes to her bedroom, and I get set up on the couch. There is no way I leaving her alone tonight.

Both of us slept, well I thought we were both asleep, until 2:30am when I woke up to footsteps. I popped up and watched as Rhea was trying to sneak her way across the floor.

"D- Rhea, what are you doing?" My eyes are sleepy and I know I look awful just waking up.

She gets startled looking at me. "Oh, shit. I was trying not to wake you. I was just getting a drink."

"Have you slept, like at all?" I'm worried, she looks sleepy but like she hasn't slept not like she just woke up.

"No, I haven't slept, I haven't slept in a while." She looks down, ashamed to look at me.

"Oh, hun." I move over and pat the couch. "Come here. We can put a show on and sit together, that way you aren't up and alone."

"I- umm- okay." She grabs a drink and comes to the couch, sitting down. I throw some of my blanket onto her and we watch a show.

About a half an hour later, I noticed how exhausted Rhea looked. Her eyes were dark and droopy. She looked like she had no strength, like she would just fall over and be asleep.

"Why don't you get some sleep?"

"I- I tried, but every time I fall asleep I wake up soon after panicked and even more tired." She says it like this has been happening for weeks, maybe even months, or years.

"I can do that thing I used to do when I would spend the night at your house after a bad match, it might help you sleep like it used to." I'm trying anything to help her. She shouldn't have to struggle to just live life.

She looked at me expectantly. "Are you sure? I mean back then we were together and now we're not so you're sure?"

I adjust so she can lay on me. "Come here, lay down."

She lays down on me, her head on my chest. I feel her body completely relax, already feeling better. I start to draw small lines with my fingertip over her face and neck, tracing her features and veins. Her long, curled eyelashes fluttered slower and slower until her eyes finally closed completely. I waited until her breath went slow and I knew she was completely asleep before I stopped drawing lines.

I still wanted her to be comfortable so I softly picked her up from on me, she's sturdier now but so am I so it wasn't an awful task. I carried her to her bedroom and gently set her on the bed, burying her under the blankets.

When I tried to walk away, she grabbed my arm. My head snapped back to her and her slightly open eyes. "Please, don't go. Just be with me." Her voice sounded completely needy and desperate.

Slowly I agreed and laid in bed with her. I wrapped us both in blankets and kept my distance so she could set the boundaries. After a few moments, she made her way closer, nuzzling into me. I pulled her into my arms, the two of us snuggling up completely, just like we used to.

We both fell asleep.


"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That was awful, I missed the cue and the spot went wrong. The audience barely even reacted." Demi was pacing back and forth, upset over her recent match that didn't go how she hoped.

I approached her, wrapping her in my arms. "Let's go to your house, we can lay down, snuggle, sleep, kiss, and not worry about this, you can't fix this."

She stubbornly agrees and we make our way to her house. I know she can't sleep when she's upset so I do my little trick that always seems to help her. As she's nuzzled in my arms, I draw small lines over her face with my finger. She slowly falls asleep.

I kiss her head gently before falling asleep as well, completely happy to just be together, in each other's arms. I'm happy. We're happy.

This is love. This is happy.

She's my forever.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now