Goodnight, Ris.

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I go back inside the building and start to pack all my stuff up. I throw it all into my duffle bag and walk out to the Uber I ordered.

As soon as I get into the car, I audibly sigh. I can't believe I let her leave. I can't believe she thinks I treat her like a child.

Do I treat her like a child?

The Uber takes me back to the hotel where Raquel is already back in the room. I fall onto my bed but then I look over to her.

"Hey could you do me a favor and check on Rhea? She seemed upset earlier and you said you were friends with her." I tried to play it off as a concerned mentor and less of a worried ex girlfriend.

She looked at me and smiled. "Yea, of course. Thanks for letting me know." She went back to getting ready.

I look over at her again. "You look pretty, where you going?"

"Oh some of us were going to go out for drinks. You can come if you want."

Drinks sound nice. Drinks sounds like a distraction.

"Yea, okay. I'll come."

We smiled at each other before I also started getting ready.

After about an hour we both made it to the club. As we walked in, we found some familiar faces sitting in a large sectioned off area. It looked like most of the roster was there, most of which I liked. Becky ordered us all shots and the night commenced.

After half an hour, and about 6 shots, another group of people joins us. It was Rhea and her friends. She looked like she was doing better but I was starting to get tipsy and honestly didn't care at this point. When I saw the rest of the crew she brought with her I quickly went to Dom.

"You wanna dance?" I smiled up at him. Dom has such a great energy that I totally vibe with, plus it was a distraction.

Dom quickly agreed to dance and got us both bigger drinks to take with us before we walked out onto the floor and started dancing.


Jesus fucking Christ.

Why the fuck is she literally everywhere?

As I walked into the bar with the guys, we made our way to the rest of the group. There, sitting at the fucking table, doing shots, was Iris. I just wanted to hang out and not be bothered.

As soon as we walked over, she got up. I braced for her to try and continue to yell at me but she went straight to Dom and asked him to dance. She had clearly been drinking for a while already.

They went out to drink and dance while Damian and I sat down and ordered. Damian got some mixed drink and I got club soda. We sat and talked with the group before all of us decided to dance.

By the time we got out there, Dom and Iris looked like they were going to fall over. They were both clearly way too drunk and were stumbling and laughing as Iris danced on Dom.

Jesus Christ, her fucking hips.

Goddamn it.

Snap out of it, Rhea.

I shake off my thoughts but Damian ends up going over and telling Dom he's cut off and needs to go back to the hotel. Iris and Dom try to fight him on it but eventually Dom agrees. Dom and Damian leave and soon I see Iris walking out with Liv and Jey, who were both clearly drunk as well.

I wasn't all too worried until I watched Jey pull his keys from his pocket.

Oh absolutely the fuck not.

I run to them and grab Iris. "You are not going with them, you cannot ride if Jey is driving. He's fucking drunk."

I take the keys from Jey. I tell Jey and Liv to get a Uber before turning back to Iris.

She glared up at me.

God she looks good from this angle.

"I'm a fucking adult, you don't get to tell me what to do."

"Wow, doesn't that sound familiar," I roll my eyes. "He's drunk, you are not getting killed. You're clearly too fucking drunk to make good decisions."

She lightly pushes me and tries to walk away. "I'm not even that drunk." Her words slur as she speaks and she stumbles as she walks.

"Iris, I'm taking you back."


I can't stand fighting with her anymore so I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my car. She's kicking and hitting but she needs to go back to the hotel. I throw her in my car and start driving.

Not long I hear sniffling in my backseat. I look in the mirror to see what's happening and all I see is Iris... completely breaking down and sobbing.

"Iris- why are you crying?"

She sniffles a bit more and looks to me, still clearly drunk. "I just feel bad... I- I just left you, and you went so far away, and clearly something bad happened, and I threw you to the side like you were worth nothing. But that's not true because you are so worth something, and that something matters so much and I- I just..."

My eyes glaze over but quickly I realize she's too drunk to even know what she's saying. "Iris, just shut up. You're really drunk and you just need to quick talking because you won't remember any of this but I will."

"But I mean it, Dems. Like I really mean it, I'm so so sorry." She still has tears streaming down her face.

Just then I pull up to the hotel. I go to her side of the car and help her out before throwing her on my shoulder again. This time she just went limp and let me take her.

I carried her to the elevator where she gave me her room key so I could take her to the right place. I take her up and open the door to her room to find... Raquel, my best fucking friend, and god knows who else. Quickly I shut the door and put Iris down for her to stand.

"You don't want to go in there. Trust me." I shutter and fake gag.

She looks at me confused. "Then where else do I go?"

I sigh and rub my hand over my face before looking at her again. "It's just me in my room and I have an extra bed so I guess you're coming with me. Clearly someone needs to watch you."

"Okay!" She smiled. She fucking smiled. That big, sweet, smile that makes me want to melt every time.

Goddamn it.

I lead her to my room but by the time I locked up the door she was passed out in one of the beds.

I walked over and took her shoes off before covering her in blankets and tucking her in.

I quickly get myself ready for bed and turn the light off before climbing in my own bed.

"Goodnight, Ris."

And I quickly fell asleep.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now