I will never leave you.

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I know I shouldn't but I needed to check on her, something was wrong. I didn't exactly know where I was going but I followed the back hallways until I got to one with a bunch of doors. They all had names on them, some I recognized, like Becky and Raquel, and others I didn't. I finally found one that had "Rhea Ripley" on it. I walk up to it and put my hand on the knob.

Breathe. Just do it. Breathe.

As I'm trying to psych myself up, I hear sobbing behind the door. Oh god, she can't be... she's not crying, right? Either way I need to check.

Slowly I knock on the door. I hear shuffling inside but no one answers so I slowly open the door.

Goddamn it.

She was sitting on the floor sobbing, surrounded by glass from what looked like a lamp she smashed. Her clothes were torn from her suitcase and she was half dressed in sweatpants and her bra. She looked so broken, completely sobbing on the floor.

"Demi-" I look at her, waiting for her to respond or engage with me in any way.

She looks up at me with swollen, soft, red eyes. She looks so hurt, so broken. "Iris, just go. There's no point in you being here. Just leave." Her voice choked on that last bit.

"I'm not leaving you like this. I won't leave you like this. Demi, you need help. Something's wrong." I look at her. The woman I used to love. The woman I still love. Tears threaten to spill over. "Please, just talk to me."

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes, face bright red and stained. She pulled out a bottle of pills. "I have Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm supposed to be taking these to calm it down but I- I can't take the pills."

"Rhea, when?"

"After I got to the U.S. Damian and Raquel took me under their wings and some shit went down and eventually they forced me to the hospital under a psychiatric hold." She looked like she might cry again, this was clearly a rough thing for her to talk about.

"I- I'm so sorry. I can't believe they did that."

"No, no, they needed to. I was getting really bad and I wasn't listening and I kept spiraling. I was going downhill and they saved me. I just can't bring myself to keep it going after-" She cut off her sentence, her voice choking.

Clearly something happened to her, clearly something very very bad happened to her. I need to find out what, I need to help her. But I won't push her.

Quickly I dip out into the hallway and find a broom. I sweep up the broken lamp, clean up the stuff that was thrown and start to fold the clothes back into her suitcase.

"Ris, don't. It's my mess, I'll do it." She tried to stop me. I don't even think she meant to call me by my old nickname but the second she did my knees almost gave out and my heart melted.

"No, I got it. You've been through a lot, the least I can do is clean up. Let me help."

She went silent, letting me help her, knowing I'm too stubborn to stop anyway.

I finish cleaning up and packing her bag back up.

"Do you have a place to stay? With someone that can help you?" I worried if I leave her alone she'll do something to herself, or someone else. I'm worried she'll lose it again.

She looked at me and then looked down. "No, it's just me."

"Could you get someone to at least check on you? Raquel, or Damian?"

"Iris, just fucking stop. I don't need your help, I've been doing just fine on my own. Sometimes I have outburst but most of the time I can control it." She ignored me, grabbing her bag and trying to walk out.

"Demi, I'm just trying to make sure you don't do anything reckless. I don't want anything to happen. I care about you" I reach out and try to stop her.

She ripped her arm away from me and snapped. "Don't fucking touch me and don't you fucking call me that, you lost all rights to care when you left. YOU left. You don't get to just randomly come back and act like you're in control of me. I can do it myself. Unlike how you feel now and even back then, I'm not just some younger kid who needs help with everything. I'm a mother fucking adult. So how about you treat me like it."

She stormed out, speed walking out of the building. I stood there absolutely stunned.

I- I wasn't

Was I treating her like a child?

Have I always treated her like a child?

I was just trying to help-

Quickly I snapped out of it and ran after her, running out the door just in time to see a black truck speeding off. The exact black truck that Rhea always dreamed of having. The black truck that I immediately knew she was in. And she just drove away.



"Ugh, it would be so cool. It would be all black and extended. And I would get a big backseat with a window in the back windshield so my dogs could ride with me. Just me and a bull terrier in my truck blasting Motionless in White. It would be fucking perfect."

I sat and listened as Demi described her dream truck and life once she made it big. She is so cute, so happy. All she wants in life she is on track to get. I could sit and listen to her all day.

"Are you sure you want a truck? And to get it extended will make it even bigger, you can barely drive now and you've had your license for almost a year. And why a bull terrier? Don't you want something smaller, or simpler?"

I'm worried with all these decisions she's already making that it won't happen and then she'll be completely disappointed. I just want her to be happy.

She just rolled her eyes at me. Turning to face the football field again.

"Don't do that, Ris."

"Do what?"

"Act like I'm not gonna be fine when you graduate. Act like I need help with everything. I get you're graduating but I still have a year after this one. I have time to get it together."

I looked away to the field as well. "Im sorry, I don't think you can't do it. I'm worried you'll do it without me. I love you so much, Dems, but I'm graduating and I'm worried you'll be too okay without me. That you won't- won't care when I'm gone."

I feel her hand come to my thigh, her body getting closer. Softly, she lifts her hand to turn my face towards her.

"I love you too fucking much to not miss you, Ris. I promise. And you'll be right by my side through everything, we'll go together, I'll be a big wrestler and you'll be the face I look for in the crowd every night. I promise, as long as you don't leave me, I'm not leaving you."

I smile and lean in, placing a soft kiss on her lips. I can feel her relax and smile against me.

"I promise you, Dems. I will never leave you."

We kiss one last time before the whistle gets blown and we both turn our attention to the football game occurring, quickly cheering our friends on.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now