Goodbye, Ris.

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I fucking hate hangovers.

When I woke up, I was still extremely groggy and my head was pounding. I was clearly in a hotel room but when I looked around it didn't look like my hotel room.

I sat up, a little too fast, and looked around. As I looked to the bed beside me, I saw Rhea bloody Ripley, who I definitely did not share a room with.

Bloody hell.

I can't remember anything that happened last night after going to dance with Dom, and now I'm in my ex's hotel room.

All this chaos is going to make me sick, or that may be the hangover, but either way, I'm actually going to be sick. I jump out of the bed and sprint to the bathroom before throwing up what had to have been everything I drank last night.

Great. Just fucking fabulous.

And of course, as I'm puking my guts up, and having a panic attack due to my Emetophobia, I feel a hand come up and pull my hair back away from my face. My breath picks up but I honestly can't tell if it's because I'm sobbing or because she's so close to me but as soon as I sit back on my feet and stop gagging she pulled me into her arms.

God, I missed her comfort. I mean, her muscles are much bigger now, but it's still the same wonderful grasp.

I clung to her, burying my head in her arm, letting my panic calm down. She ran her fingers through my hair as she whispers soft words into my ear.

"Hey, it's okay, Ris. I know, I know. If you relax then your body will calm down and you won't get sick anymore so you have to relax. I've got you." She whispers softly in my ear, her nose nuzzled to my head.

I missed her so much.

Eventually I chill out, getting my breath back, and lay down against her. "D- Rhea, why am I in your hotel room?" I softly look up at her, seriously confused.

"You were really drunk last night, like way too drunk. I tried to take you to your room but uh... Raquel had... company." She cringed and shivered. Clearly she saw some shit last night.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't of had to deal with me. I'll leave, she's probably gone to the gym so it'll be fine."

Her eyes seemed to drop for a second before she fixed her face. "Oh, yea, okay."

I climb out of her arms and off the floor, going into the main room, grabbing my shoes and quickly leaving. I made my way down the hall, into my thankfully empty room, and throwing myself onto the bed. I took some meds, drank some water, and fell asleep again.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

This can't be happening. Of course running laps on the track after not eating or drinking any water for... way too long, would end with me trying desperately to not throw up.

Please, don't let me throw up.

My heart starts to race and I immediately can feel the tears streaming down my face. Demi came up beside me to check on me when she noticed the tears. "Hey, hey, don't cry. It's okay, just relax."

"I- I have a fear of- of throwing up. I'll completely break- breakdown and panic." I can barely get the words out as I try to not gag.

"Okay, it's okay. Just breathe. If you panic it will just get worse and make you more nauseous. How about you sit down and take this." She hands me her water bottle.

I haven't known Demi for long but she seems nice. She's a year younger than me in school, and she's so unbelievably pretty. Her long blonde hair and icy blue eyes are just perfect.

I sit as she tells me to do and take a sip of her water. I look up at her and focus on her eyes to calm down. Slowly my breathing and stomach relax.

"Thank you."

"Of course, do you need anything else?"

"No, I think I'm okay."

She sat beside me, checking on me more and starting some small talk. Turns out we both love metal music, dogs, and it turns out she wrestles.

I could listen to her talk for hours, stare at her.

But that doesn't mean anything. I'm straight. I just broke up with my fucking boyfriend for god sakes.

She's just really pretty. I just want to be her friend. That's all.




She just left. She just fucking left. No goodbye, no thank you, she just walked out the door and went to her own room.

Fucking bitch.

All I've ever done is help her, be with her, we had a great friendship that turned into more and yet I still feel like I can't do anything good enough for her. Good enough for fucking anyone.

Fucking bpd.

As soon as she left I tidied up and got ready for the gym, heading to my safe place, the only thing that can calm my thoughts, the only thing I know won't leave me.


I woke up about an hour and a half later and I felt so much better. The nausea was gone and my headache was minimal.

I got up and showered, getting dressed, and sitting back down on the bed.

I figured I should probably do something productive with my day, and my flight was tomorrow, so I packed my bag back up.

After that was done I decided to just Uber further down town so I could walk around and shop. I got an Uber, got dropped off and started walking. I was shopping for a while before I decided to head back. My phone was at 1% so quickly ordered my Uber before it died completely. I waited around half an hour before getting into the Uber and getting back to the hotel.

I went upstairs to my room, plugged my phone in, and was immediately pounded with notifications of missed calls from Raquel, a couple of unknown numbers, and a number I hadn't seen in years. A number marked "Dems❤️‍🔥". There were also a few missed texts, mainly people yelling at me to answer them but when I opened the one from D- Rhea my heart stopped and I dropped to the ground, my phone falling somewhere else.

The screen simply read, "I'm so sorry, but at this point I don't matter to anyone. I wish I could've said goodbye but I don't think I could stand to see you. I've always loved you, live for me. I love you. Forever and always. Goodbye, Ris."

I don't think I've ever ran faster.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now