Don't leave.

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Demi and I are sitting on the couch. We decided to watch a movie while we wait for her parents to finish up dinner. She nuzzles into me a bit more. I love her warmth, the feel of her body with mine. She's my peace, the reason I get up every morning.

I love her.

It hurts my heart so much that I have to leave her in just a few months. It's not fair that I have to graduate without her. It's not fair that we have to spend a year apart.

My thought are quickly interupted by a very angry Calista storming into the house. She looked pissed and pretty upset, which was puncuated by the sharp slam of the front door on her way in. "Cali, what-" Demi tried to call after her but all she got in response was a loud groan before Cali stormed off to her room, slamming that door as well. Demi looked up at me, both of us completely confused. "I should go check on her." I nodded and Demi quickly got up to follow her sister.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop but Cali was being fairly loud while screaming at Dems to go away and that it didn't matter. I could hear the sob in her voice and the sound of Dem trying to reason with her but she was not having it. Quickly the conversation turned into a screaming battle and Demi was promptly kicked out of the room, coming back towards me.

"I can't handle her wen she's being like this. She's way too upset and will not talk to me." Demi rolled her eyes before quickly trying to join me again on the couch.

"Wait," I said, getting up from my spot. I felt a bit bad about leaving my spot from beside Demi. "You can't just leave her like that, she's upset, she needs someone." I look at Demi on the couch. She looks back at me with annoyed eyes, arms up, just wanting me to return to our comfy position on the bed. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna go check on her."

I hear her sigh as I walk off, but once I reach Cali's door I knock once before walking in. She turns and looks at me, puffy face, mascara streaming from her eyes. "Go away, Iris." She tries to sound angry but it comes out broken, like all she really wants is a hug, not for me to go away. I walk to her, wrapping my arms around her. She fought me for a second before seccumbing to my rasp. She completely fell apart in my arms, sobbing into my chest.

I held her tight, letting her cry, giving her support. Eventually she settles down and looks up at me with a red, tear-stained face. "I'm sorry." Her voice barely allows the words.

"Hey, no. It's okay. I've got you." I smile down at her, nuzzling her closer to me. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on now?"

She sighs before nodding in agreement. "My- my boyfriend just broke up with me so he can date a different girl."

"Oh, hun. That sucks. Boys suck." I roll my eyes playfully. "Trust me, you're still young, you're only in year 8."

She looks at me, pouting. "I know, but still-"

"Ik. I think your sister's upset you pushed her away though. I know she's worried about you, can we invite her in?" I smile, holding her face in my hands.

She giggles a bit. "Yea, she can come in." We quickly call to her and tell her to come in. When she does we explain everything that happened and she and Cali hug. Once everything is settled and everyone has apologized we go out and finish our movie on the couch. All three of us.



I'm so fucking pissed. I don't even know why. I can't stand her and yet I just want to kiss her and hold her again.


Fucking bpd.

My knuckles are white as I grip the steering wheel on the way back to my place. I'm paying just enough attention to drive while also being in my head and replaying the whole night over and over again.

Cali was giving me space, sitting silently while staring out the window. It was for the best, I probably would've snapped at her or something and regretted it.

We got home fairly quickly, though that was probable just my lack of focus, and I made my way inside.

Avoiding my sister and her eventual nagging, I immediately went to my bedroom and stripped before throwing myself in the freezing cold shower. It was cold enough to calm my anger but with that came all the thoughts of how awful I was and how I did everything wrong.

Trying to distract myself, I quickly washed off and got out, getting dressed and doing all the skin care, hair care, and body care things I could to waste time. Eventually I had nothing left and sat on my bed, burying my head in my hands and letting the thoughts consume me.


When I heard the shower turn off, I gave her a second before knocking on the door to her bedroom. When she didn't answer I knocked again. "Demi, please can I come in?"

There was still no answer and I was starting to get worried so I opened the door. There, sat on her bed, was my broken down, sobbing, big sister. I haven't seen her like this since Iris told her she couldn't go to America with her.

Quickly, I rushed to her and crouched in front of her, trying to take her hands in mine. She flinched a bit when I first touched her so I backed off but when she realized it was me, she reached for my hands.

"I'm okay, Cali. I'm okay." She barely squeaked out the words through the tears.

"No, you're not, Dem. For once let me be the one caring for you." My words gently but effective as she fell into me, crying more.

I moved us onto the bed, pulling her into me as she cried. "I fucked it all up again and now she thinks I don't want her. She thinks I hate her. I don't know what to do, I don't know if I do hate her, or if I just hate that I'm not with her, or...," her breath ran out as she spit out the tear-lined words.

I pull her in closer to me, kissing her forehead and wiping her eyes a bit. "It's okay, shhhh. It's okay. I know." I try to comfort her as she stays broken down and exhausted.

"I just want her. I think that's all I've ever wanted." She finally sputters out the words, revealing everything she's been suppressing for years. She finally admitted how she feels and what she wants, barring anyone else's opinions.

After a while I got her calmed down and into the bed. I stayed with her, snuggling up and holding her like we used to when we were kids, only it was usually her holding me. Eventually, she fell asleep and slowly I grabbed my phone from beside me and pulled up a number I haven't texted in years.

Cali: She doesn't want you gone. She cried, a lot, more than I think I've seen her cry in a long, long time. She loves you, still. She wants you. You two were always meant to be together. Just give her a chance, and please, for her and for me. Please don't leave this time.


Around 1 in the morning, my phone buzzed two times. My insomnia getting the best of me, I wasn't sleeping so I checked it. I had one from Cali, a contact I hadn't seen in years. I also had another one from Jey.


I opened the one from Cali first, hoping to have some sort of good news before dealing with that other prick.

Cali: She doesn't want you gone. She cried, a lot, more than I think I've seen her cry in a long, long time. She loves you, still. She wants you. You two were always meant to be together. Just give her a chance, and please, for her and for me. Please don't leave this time.

Holy fucking shit.

Goddamn it.

Not thinking, my brain clearly trying to continue functioning even with that information, I opened the other text.

Jey: Where are you? I went to your apartment and they said you moved out, something about Florida. What the fuck, I?

God, I can't deal with this shit right now.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now