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I ended up taking Rhea back to her dressing room so she could get some privacy. She cried and cried for hours, it felt like, before she finally just fell asleep. She was completely exhausted and it only took a minute for her to be breathing slower, eyes fluttering closed, and asleep in my arms.

I knew she needed it, she looked kind of rough from everything that had been going on. I let her sleep for the rest of Raw and when it was over I decided to just continue letting her. Raquel and Damian came by and packed up and took her things, and I was tasked with taking her. Luckily, Boot camp and months and months in the field gave me enough muscle that I could easily lift and carry 170 pounds. That's nothing compared to some of the other shit I've had to do.

She was laying against my chest with her arms wrapped around my neck already, so all I had to do was pick her up and make sure her legs would stay around my waist as I carried her.

I took her out to my car, gently placing her in the backseat, turning the car on so it would get warm for her. Then, I quickly ran to her truck and made sure all her keys were with me and the truck was locked. I walked back over to my car, getting in and driving to her house.

It was a, what felt like, very long and very very quiet drive to her house. I figured it would be better to take her to her house in case things went south at some point, that way I could leave or she could get away to where she felt most comfortable.

Once I pulled up at her house, I shut the car off and went to the back to get her. I couldn't drag her out of the car without hurting her so I gently woke her up just enough for her to assist me a bit and then fall back asleep. I gently shook her. "D-Rhea, hey hun, come here." I whispered gently.

She woke up, looking at me tiredly, confusing in her eyes. "Hmm?" She was barely awake. It was extremely adorable seeing her like this, so sleepy. I used to see her like this all the time but it's definitely different now that she's... scarier. She's supposed to be all big and bad, but here she's just... a teddy bear.

"Come here, hunny. We'll get you inside and up to bed." I smile at her softly as she climbs over to me, quickly clinging her arms around my neck and reburying her face in my neck. I quickly grab under her thighs and pick her up again. Closing the car door, walking over and opening, then re-closing, the house door, I take her inside and back the hall to her bedroom. I gently laid her on the bed, taking her shoes off, and tucking her under the covers.

I checked on her one last time before leaving. I know I should probably stay but she deserves peace right now, and I'm not peace in her life. She doesn't want me there when she wakes up, I just cause her pain. She needs help, not someone to break her even further.


All I could feel was her warmth, listening to her heart beat as she held me. It was all I needed, and god, I really needed it.

Before I could stop it, from complete exhaustion and me crying for hours, I feel asleep in her arms. I was completely safe and happy, her arms wrapped around me, mine wrapped around her, it made me feel... better.

I must've been out for a while because when I woke up she was shaking me, in the dark, in the backseat of her car, outside my house.

"... hun, come here." Her sweet voice whispered. It pulled me out of my sleep but I was still completely in a haze.

"Hmm?" I needed her to repeat her words. I needed to reprocess them and act accordingly and my brain was so sluggish, completely not working right now. I felt her hands on my arms, the cool air rushing into the car. I need to sit up. I need to get inside.

"Come here, hunny. We'll get you inside and up to bed." She's so sweet, so kind. I don't deserve her. Her repeat in words helped to clear my mind enough to stand up, but not enough for me to stay stable. I almost fall, not quite stable on my feet, so I wrap my arms around her neck and bury in head in her neck. She's so warm, so safe.

I feel her lift me up, normally I would panic but for some reason this just felt right, and I had complete trust in her ability to carry me inside. I settled into her and quickly fell back to sleep in her arms. My breathing slowing again, my head going foggy, falling back into a deep, stress relieving sleep.

In the morning, I woke up and she was gone. Like a perfect dream taken by a thunderstorm shaking your house at night. I was alone, again.

Slowly I got up, walking to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, my swollen face, bruises down my arms and legs, eyes puffy and red. I look awful. I cried for way too long last night... in her arms.

Her warmth.

Her comfort.

I felt safe again.

But now she left. She left me here all alone. To be fair it's my fault, I told her to go away, I pushed her, and yelled, and told her it didn't matter what we used to be because that wasn't us anymore.

Its my fault she left, but deep down. Deep, deep down. I hoped she would've ignored me, pushed me back. I wish she would've busted her way through my walls and let herself into my heart. But she didn't.

I'm alone.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now