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We arrived at Smackdown, quickly I lead her to my dressing room so she could sit down while I go do things. I set my bags down on the floor and look over as she sits on the couch, facing me. "Cali, I need you to listen to me. You have to stay here. I will take you around for 10 minutes and then you will come back and stay. I can't have you all over place and me not around." I talk to her very directly and stern so she understands that I need her to cooperate.

She rolls her eyes at me before responding. "Fine, mom." She teases me with the word, making clear that I'm being overbearing and bossy but, to be fair, she's a bit unpredictable and I can't have her fucking things up. "I'll stay. I promise." She glares at me a bit but I know she'll listen. She knows better than to not listen to me at this point. She doesn't want put in headlock again.

"Okay, come here. I'll walk you around but you only have 10 minutes. Deal?" I pull her up from the couch so I can take her around.

"Deal." She has the brightest smile on her face. As much as she's a brat, she's still my little sister and we love to hang out and experience each other's things. I show her wrestling and she brings me cool trinkets and shows me pictures of everywhere she goes. It's our little way of staying connected, even in this big world.

I lead her out of the room, down the halls, showing her all the names of the superstars. She knows most of them from either watching me or hearing me talk about them. The ones she doesn't know she asks me questions about so she can figure it out later.

We make our way down past all the makeup and shake crews, saying hi to some talent and introducing her to Jet, the makeup artist that always does my makeup. As we continue I end up taking her out to the main part of the arena. There's no one here yet so it's a bit ominous but there's a few groups of talent taking turns wrestling in the ring, coordinating and practicing their matches for tonight.

"IRIS!" The name and the sudden yelling make me jump around. Seeing my sisters bright, happy face as she starts to sprint towards the ring I immediately realize what is happening.

Iris is here, she's training stunts. Of course she is, that's her job. But I was dumb and totally forgot that and brought my little sister in here. The little sister who loved Iris to death and up until very, very recently still asked about her and whether we would be a thing again. She just got the hint after my second trip out of rehab and the clear fact that she was a trigger, or the lack of her was a trigger. Yet here we are, my sister running full force at my ex-girlfriend as she holds her arms out to hug her.


"IRIS!" I hear my name yelled from the stage. I turn to see... Calista? I sprint towards her, wrapping her up in my arms.

"CALI??? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia?" I squeeze her so, so tight. I might not show how much I miss Rhea but I will always show Cali how much I miss her and how much she means to me.

"I was, I've been all over the place. I came to see Dem. What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since all that went down." I could hear her voice break a bit at the last part. After Rhea left for America, I could stand to be around her family. I knew they knew what happened and I didn't want to make it harder on them or Rhea. Cali tried to reach out a few times but I never answered, hoping at some point it would be easier for both of us to just move on. For two years I would get all the high school drama, the relationship updates, and everything in between as she texted my unresponsive number. It broke me to not talk to her but it had to be done.

"I know, I'm so, so sorry, Sweet girl. I really wish you could've never been in the middle of all that. After everything I ended up going to the military, I'm on leave right now so I'm staying in Florida while the WWE hires me to stunt train the wrestlers." I pull back and look at her face, she looks so grown up. It kills me to see how much I've missed.

Her bright smile slowly drops into a face of understanding and worry. "Have you talked to her? What's going on with you two?"

"We've talked, I'm trying to find her some help. She's pushing me away and if that makes her happier than I'll stay away but I can't do that unless I know she's okay." I smile a bit. "We're all fine. You don't need to worry about any of it, Sweet girl."

Her smile returns and I pull her back into a hug, she squeezes me tighter this time. "Thank you, for everything. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

We slowly pulled away, smiling, enjoying being in each others company again. Slowly footsteps approach us. We both turn to see D- Rhea.

"Sis, come on. We gotta go back, Iris has things to do and so do I. Let's go, please." I can tell Rhea is full big sister mode right now, more worried and tense than usual. She seems slightly annoyed at the sudden babysitting duty but she loves Cali so I know deep down she's happy.

"Demi, please can I just stay with Ris? Please?? I'll stay with her the whole time. I just want to be with her." I can see Calista pout as she begs, clearly trying to get Rhea to give in.

Rhea rolls her eyes and looks to me. "Only if Iris agrees that you will stay with her. The. Whole. Time." She was stern with her words but her eyes looked broken, like she just wanted to stay with us too, like she misses me too.

"Of course she can. I got her. I promise." I smile between Rhea and Calista. Calista just wants to be around me and if I can help relax Rhea a bit, I'll do that too.

"Okay. Fine." Rhea rolls her eyes slightly and walks away. "Be good," She calls behind to us.

"Never," Calista and I both say at the same time. We look at each other, smirk, and giggle before I return to my job, showing Calista a bit of what I do. She wraps her arms around my middle as I show her, just wanting to be close. I hug her back, kissing her forehead and nuzzling her when I can.

God I missed this girl.

Another Life l Rhea Ripley x Female OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now