Chapter Five

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As rain sluiced through their clothing, there was a tension amongst the Amazons when they lined up for training. Kyra tried to catch the problem—she sensed, as with most other things, she was somehow at the centre of it right now.

She scooted closer to the Amazon beside her, Nia, and lowered her voice.

"What's everyone whispering about?"

Nia glanced around, making sure someone wasn't in close hearing range. Erika was their leader for today, and it was common knowledge that the woman hated gossip.

"Erika," Nia answered.

"How do you mean?"

Nia glanced around again. "No one saw her at training yesterday. But one of the girls said they saw her leaving Ares' castle yesterday."

A pang of jealousy hit Kyra—which was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Lord, she'd only spoken to the man twice and she was already feeling possessive. A sign as good as any to leave well enough alone. A reminder, really.

Something's wrong with me.

She'd never been so irrational when it came to her feelings.

There was something at work there—something between herself and Ares—that wasn't entirely right. Something drew her into him. Whatever it was drew her in quicker than it should've. Something in her chest felt off, like she wasn't the only person inhabiting her body. Something messed with the synapses of her brain. Lusty or not, Kyra knew the intensity of her reactions to him weren't normal. They were too over the top. Only none of the books in their library had an answer as to why. She couldn't exactly ask the God about it. Not yet. But lord, she needed to dial back on the jealousy.

"Then why do people keep looking at me?"

Erika had been sent to Ares for ignoring Ares' orders. That wasn't on Kyra's shoulders. Are they blaming me?

"What's wrong with everyone?" She pressed.

But that question was answered for her. Erika reached the group. The group fell silent. Kyra saw exactly what was with all the fuss.

Something about Erika wasn't the same. She didn't look like she'd been injured—but was there really any way to tell? She was a grown immortal. She could've been knocking on death's door two days prior only to be completely fine right now.

But that look on her face wasn't normal.

"I thought you said Ares didn't hurt you when you were sent to him," Nia whispered.

"He didn't," Kyra whispered back.

So what exactly had Ares done to Erika?

After training in the pelting rain, Kyra couldn't retreat to her room fast enough. Following another gruelling session fuelled by Erika taking her anger out on her, Kyra just wanted to shower and sleep. She reached her room, back slumped to her door—but something felt off.

Someone's been in here.

Her bed was as she left it, neatly made, if not for the crisp letter sitting above it.

Don't be Erika.

Kyra had had enough of the woman's bullshit to last her a lifetime. Since the older Amazon's meeting with Ares after that training session, the woman had come back changed.

God, please don't be from Erika.

She ambled over to the bed and lifted the envelope with lithe fingers. It was sealed with a wax emblem, her name written in cursive on the outside. Kyra opened it gently, eyes raking over the page.

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