Chapter Forty-Eight

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When Kyra's feet hit the ground in Scotland, a shrill scream broke through the walls of Angie and Eros' isolated home. Kyra cursed the portal jumper's inaccuracy and ran charging to the house.

She couldn't give her mind time to work through what had just happened.

Leda, Ares, the daggers—

She'd need time to think that through. Time she didn't currently have.

She kicked the door down, no time for lock picking.


Please don't tell me she's dead.

That was the last thing she needed right now. If Angie died, Eros would die with her.


Nothing. Not a single sound. Nothing but that scream.

"Fuck my life."

She stomped through the house. Nothing downstairs. Kyra flew up the staircase, fighting back the panic.


"Thank God!" That was not Angie's voice. Eros stood down the hall.

Kyra took several cautious steps backwards. Pointedly, Eros took them forwards. His wings were fluttering, his shoulders squared.

"Have you gone psycho too?"

"You have to help her Kyra." So that's a yes. Nadine had activated both of her weapons and was trying to take Kyra and Angie out of the picture. "Please. I know we've never gotten along but you have to stop me. I'm gonna kill her."

Another step closer to her.

"You're time bombs. You've gone off."

"Ares too?"

"I came straight from there to here."

Eros' lips wobbled. Not good. Not good at all.

"For Angie?"

"Yes, for Angie. Where is she?"

Kyra had to play this smart. She needed to get Angie and get out. But where would they go? They couldn't go to the fortress or the compound. They couldn't go to the allies. What did that leave them with?

"She barricaded herself behind the door," Eros spoke. He sounded dead, broken. "She's scared."

His hands were balling into fists. With every step closer he took, Kyra knew what was coming for her.

"I know."

"You're going to have to put me down."

It'd be the first time she'd take no joy from it.

"I know."

"Chain me up or something. You can't let me hurt her."

"Have you touched her so far?"

Was Angie hurt? Would Kyra have to factor an injury into the non-existent escape plan?

"No. But I can't resist this. It's in our blood. We're her fucking bitches."

His muscles moved of their own accord. Nadine couldn't touch their minds—but she controlled what they did.

"I know."

Eros threw the first punch, hands aiming for her throat.

With no weapons in sight, she guessed he'd be headed for strangulation. If he could knock Kyra out, killing her would be easier.

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