Chapter Forty-Seven

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The dagger trap was laid. With so many highly trained Amazons crawling around the fortress, they had to be smart about where they set the trap. With this in mind, the trap was laid at Ares' compound where there'd always be at least one person around to keep an eye on the knives.

A whole collection of them laid upon a table in the armoury, ready and waiting to be taken. The guards swapped between the most trusted individuals. Some days Erika would man the fort, other days Leda would watch them, then Kyra, then Ares and some of the older Amazons.

Nothing happened.

Kyra wasn't surprised. She'd been expecting this.

If they were playing games with Nadine, Nadine would be playing games right back.

She'd put the men on edge with her little dark magic stunt on Angie. Ares and Eros walked around like they were tiptoeing over eggshells, constantly waiting for the next attack, constantly vying to go onto the offensive. Eros had taken their advice. He was training Angie to harness the power inside of her whilst working on strengthening her mental blocks.

They hated Kyra's plan. The plan where they'd wait for Nadine to come to them. But they had no choice but to go with it for lack of a better plan.

Nadine would come for these daggers. Kyra knew it.

She'd be waiting for them to get bored. To let their guard down.

She forgets I can wait forever.

Kyra was too stubborn to give up. When the bitch arrived, Kyra would be ready.

As expected, time fizzled by slowly. They were verging on a year, then two. And whilst the others lost interest in this plan, looking to find another, Kyra didn't stop.

It was strange, really. Where the guard shifts changed due to lack of interest, there was one person alongside herself remaining vigilant.

She and Erika had never seen eye to eye before. They still didn't now. And yet they seemed to have reached an understanding.

"Ready to swap?" Kyra asked.

Shrugging, Erika popped her neck. "I could do with a break."

The women exchanged positions, silently, as ever, until Kyra couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Why haven't you given up on this? Leda left, the others left—but you're still here. I'd have thought you'd be the first person to jump ship."

Of all the people to lack faith in Kyra, it would have to be Erika first. Surely.

"You said this is going to work," The older woman answered. "That the woman will come. So she will come and we'll be here when she does."

"And you believe me?"

"Annoyingly, yeah, I do." Erika believed in the plan, even if she didn't want to. "You were a pain in the arse growing up but you always did what you said you were going to do and the things you said would happen inevitably happened. So if you say this woman will come with the daggers, then I believe you."

Kyra nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Erika recoiled in disgust. "It's not because I like you. I'm smart enough to recognise a trend."

"Thank you all the same."

Huffing, Erika made for the exit to the armoury. She paused just by the door. "I spoke to Leda. The two of you miss each other. It's embarrassing to watch."

Now she sounded like Ares. But Kyra was right. They'd left it too long. The past was the past.

Several months passed by.

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