Chapter Fifty-Two

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He supposed he should've known she'd have come out here. It should've been on his list. But the panic of not having her and not feeling her had taken up too much of his mind. He hadn't been able to think rationally. Where else could she have gone? Kyra was bizarre like that, picking the most bizarre of people to cling to.

In the middle of nowhere, Seth and Ares breathed the forest air in. Familiar air for Ares. He'd been here before but only once. Fuck, one of the best nights of his life had been out in these woods as his evil little Amazon had wrapped her pretty lips around his cock and sucked him dry.

The younger of the two men kicked at the muddy leaves with distaste.

"Do you still need me or can you handle it from here?" Seth asked, clearly wanting to be anywhere but here.

The witches didn't last long in the wild. They got leg cramps and other invisible, non-existent pains that forced them back indoors. Castle Solum had nature, sure, but the whimsical kind with fields of poppies for pretty witch heads to fall asleep.

"I know where this is. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"I've got this."

"Drop Fal an update, yeah? She'll worry over this. Her and Kyra are like that." Seth crossed two of his fingers.

"Thank you."

"Non doing."

When the air crackled with Seth's disappearance, Ares assessed the space around him. He started the trek through the Romanian forest in search of the Rogue Witch's home. His body thrummed with anticipation. Kyra would come home today. Gods be damned, they'd never part again. He'd be holding her once more before the day was up.

Relief hit him when he saw the cottage. One step closer to Kyra. One step closer to never losing sight of her again. One step closer to making her mine.

He knocked on the door, trying to seem in control. Trying to look like he had his shit together.

The witch opened it. She wasn't surprised to see him there. In fact, she'd clearly been expecting him. It didn't take a genius to figure he'd come sooner or later.

"You know what I'm here for," He stated.

Her lip quirked. "You've come looking for Kyra."

"I have. Where is she? Is she here?"

Did he sound like he had it together? He sounded desperate to his own ears. I am desperate.

Without her, he was a lost man.

"She's not in right now." His mood deflated. "She went for a walk half an hour ago. She goes on them to clear her head."

So she was nearby. Soon. "Is she alright?"

"She's alright. She's been through a lot. These things take time."

"Has she healed?"

"She made a full recovery within two days of getting here. You didn't think she would?"

"Nadine didn't."

The Rogue Witch nodded slowly, skin paling. "I see."

Relief hit him all the same. She's alright. "Thank you for being there for her. I'm glad she's had someone."

"She's welcome here whenever. I knew a thousand years ago she'd take the world by storm. And there she goes, doing just that."

"It's just a case of keeping up with her."

"You seem to be doing a pretty good job." She looked him up and down. "Do you want to get yourself cleaned up before she gets back? You're looking..."

"Terrible, I know." She'd probably seen him looking worse. "I'll sort myself out when I have her. I can't think of anything else."

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