Chapter Twenty-Six

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Everything changed in the morning.

Ares didn't even know what the change was.

He woke and found his bed empty after the best damned night of his life. His room still smelt like Kyra, her floral scent teasing his nose—but as for the woman herself, he found no trace of her. Her things were still where they had been for several weeks now. Just no Kyra.

Getting himself out of bed in the morning became a million times harder.

How was he supposed to go on as normal when he knew something heartbreaking was coming?

Several days went by as normal. Well, a strange sense of normal. His life was back to what it had been a year ago, before he'd ever crossed paths with Kyra. Except now that he'd had a taste, he knew exactly what he was missing out on.

My little Amazon.

His little Amazon wasn't so little anymore.

He figured she must've been bunking with another Amazon. His mind told him she'd be with Leda but he couldn't bring himself to go looking. It didn't feel right. If this was going to happen, then the nicer the terms they left this shit on the better.

When he wasn't working, he spent his days in front of a painting. Not the war painting. God no. In front of a painting depicting their future romance, Ares would stare. And then he'd stare. And then he'd stare some more.

After the first week, he had no choice but to announce their coming battle. Sense told him that was what Kyra was waiting for. But he could hardly put it off any longer. Not without drawing Nadine's notice. Not without fucking everything up.

He made the announcement, trying to seem as put together as possible, then spent the rest of the day hiding in his office.

I need you.

How long was this going to last for? The war painting wouldn't take place for the better part of a thousand years. Was that how long Ares would have to wait?

Surely not.

He didn't have it in him. A thousand years without Kyra were a thousand years of pointless living.

As night began to fall, his office door slipped open. He half hoped it was Kyra but common sense told him otherwise. The wingspan told him otherwise. Eros made his way into the dark room and looked around with a scoff.

"So you're still in here moping."

Ares rolled his eyes, pouring himself into his drink. "If you've come to gloat, leave already."

"I'm not here to gloat." Which made a change. "I'm here to teach you a new way. Quit crying over your woman. She's not even left yet."

"When she leaves, she'll leave with a part of me."

At least he could feel that she was near whilst she was still in the compound. It helped him sleep knowing she was safe within these grounds.

When she left, even that would be lost.

"Let's not make this too metaphorical," Eros chastised. "Yes, she will, because you were stupid enough to bond with her. But let that comfort you. When she hits her immortality, you'll feel her across that bond. It'll be like she never left."

Eros didn't understand. How could he? He'd never been in love. Knowing Kyra was nearby wasn't enough for him. Ares needed to see her. To touch her. To hear her laugh and feel her smile.

Eros kept going, oblivious. "And besides that, when you realise how much time you've wasted on her, you'll swing by my place and find the pleasure of nymphs."

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