Chapter Thirty-Four

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Washed, dressed and ready to take on the day, their peculiar band of four flocked out to the heavens following the latest part of Kyra's still developing plan. As the only member of the four to have not visited yet, Ares was the most inquisitive, taking in all of Nadine's dirty work.

Though blood still stained the ground, the bodies of the fallen had been removed. Several buildings surrounded a courtyard with the most impressive being what Ares assumed was the school.

Eros was less than impressed. As Kyra pocketed a portal jumper, he glanced about himself in disdain.

"Didn't think we'd be coming back to this shithole so soon."

Kyra assessed the space around them, answering, "If you weren't such an idiot, we wouldn't be."

"Kyra, please..." Ares gave her a warning look.

They weren't going to get anywhere if they were constantly at each other's throats.

"'I have no choice about being here," She sassed, pushing past him. "You can't force how I behave as well."

"You're hardly being forced to do anything. You and I had a deal. You got your end, now I'm getting mine. Fair's fair."

"Except it doesn't take most people a thousand years to cash a favour in."

"I haven't needed a favour until now." This was his big plan. It always had been. To wait for the right moment to call on a favour. A big favour that would nudge her back into his life. A favour that would give him time to make her want to stay in it. "And it's not all bad. You're getting the chance to rekindle our beautiful love."

She smiled sweetly. "Sick in my mouth."

Disgruntled, Ares finished with his own assessment. He set his bitter gaze on the happy couple who whispered to each other just a few paces away.

"So you're speaking to each other again now?" The Amazonian God acknowledged.

Casually, Eros dropped an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. "Angie can't resist me."

Said woman playfully pushed him away. "Please, you came begging for my—"

The God only pulled her closer. "Must you always try to embarrass me?"

Trapped in their own little bubble of sappy love, the rest of the world faded out around Eros and Angie—including the presence of Ares and Kyra. The God took a step closer to the hard to please Amazon, offering, "Cute, aren't they?"

"We're not having this conversation."

"What conversation?" Did he dare to drop an arm over her shoulder like how Eros was doing with Angie or would that mean risking her ripping his arm off in the process? "I was making a simple, innocent observation on what we can both see in front of us. Unless that conversation means something different to you than it does to me."

"Cut the crap. You'd come in with the lovey dovey shit, using that as your way in. Then it'd be the whole we could be like this rubbish and then I'd—"

"Break my nose and tell me it's never going to happen?"

Her lips tilted into a cold sneer. "Oh look, you're learning."

How much longer could she keep the cool girl act up for?

Kyra had more emotions than she let on.

"So what do we do?" He asked, getting things back on track.

"Fal was going to start looking through all of the shit up here but we'll be getting a start on it before her." Fal. He now knew that name. The Amazon close to Kyra. "So that's what we do. The boring part. We look through everything we have until eventually, hopefully, we find something. And yes, it's not time efficient- but we don't have any other options. Hello? Are you listening to me?"

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