Flying Off

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"The mails owls!" Raine exclaimed excitingly. A black owl flew into of me and landed on my shoulder. The owl bent it's head down to hand me two letters.
"Two letters? Popular Artemis!" The first was from father. He sounded so excited for me even though the elementary Wizarding school, Young Scapes Magic School of Northern America, had shown us how to fly and basic wandless spells. Father wished me luck and sent me his love.

Young Scapes Magic School was a school for children under the age eleven who had got their magic early on in life. Typically, the students admitted were children at the ages of five to seven. There, we are taught history, magical beasts' information, potion ingredients and where to find them, basic wandless magic, and broom flight. Those who are admitted at five years old, tend to be quite ahead of most of their peers in main schooling.

"That's a very sweet father of your's. Seems like somethings here will be refreshing on the things you already know." Raine spoke with a small chuckle after. She continued to ask me who the other one was from in a worried tone since the address was from Azkaban Prison.
"It's a letter from my uncle. He got news I was back in London for school. Uncle says he hopes I end up in RavenClaw like my biological parents were. I'm sure he'd love to know that I am. I'll visit soon." I spoke lowly with a small voice break towards the end. Uncle Sirius will be so happy to see me. I have to tell him so much.

I wrote on the extra paper he left in the envelope, "I'll be visiting my Uncle, Sirus Black, for exactly two hours in a fortnight at one o'clock in the afternoon. Please make the proper arrangements for a private meeting between him and I.
Signed -Miss Artemis Black" I closed the envelope and summoned my black family stamp and red wax before sealing the envelope and giving the letter back to the owl.
"You know where to bring this." I whispered to the owl before it flew off.
"You'll be visiting him?!" Raine quietly exclaimed looking at me worriedly.
I nodded before getting up shushing her about this and heading to flight class. I nodded towards her and followed the instructions throughout the early part of class. Neville lost control of his broom and had to be escorted to the hospital wing by the teacher.
"None will be flying while I'm gone. Except you Artemis. You are to lounge on your broom and maintain balance." Madam Hooch left with Neville as I sat on my floating broom with my feet at the hair of it and back laying up against the diagonal broom stick.
Draco grabbed Neville's rememberal and flew off after arguing with Harry and after I spoke up telling Draco he's wrong for this.
I went back to lounging on my broom with a book for a moment before everyone started cheering as Harry flew back down. "Harry Potter! Come with me." Aunt called for Harry before walking away.

Later Harry told me he's the new Gryffindor seeker.
We walked up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common before I went up to the Ravenclaw tower. I was lucky to have been given the room that holds one bed at the top of the tower. Such a beautiful view of Hogwarts and Hogsmead to see when sat on the window seat.
"The staircases move remember?" Hermione told Ron in an almost mockingly way before they walked into the third floor corridor after I said goodbye and started towards the tower. Seems like a great place to be alone.

Miss Artemis BlackWhere stories live. Discover now