A Tiger's Laugh

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I transformed in a leap and walked up to Hermione and Ron while they looked at the shrinking shack. They didn't notice me until I let out a low growl and lifted my paw onto Hermione's arm.
"Artemis! You scared me." Hermione spoke quickly before scratching my head. I purred into her hand smiling the best I could. I looked behind us and saw Draco coming. But Hermione and Ron already turned back around. I climbed up a tree and laid on a thick branch out of sight for everyone. Maybe I'll have entertainment today, snow makes a good soft weapon.
The glisten of Harry's cloak caught my eye as he walked up to Draco and his two friends to play a joke on them. It was quite the show before Draco ran off and they found out it was Harry.
"Blimey Harry. That was not funny." Ron said with a laugh and smile. I leaped off the tree and greeted Harry with a friendly growl and moved my tail to gesture him to sit on my back so his footsteps wouldn't give him away. "It's alright Artemis, I have a hood today." Harry whispered to me as he lifted his hood and started walking with us into Hogsmead.
Harry came running out and I started chasing after him before he sat on a rock and began to cry. He told us what was said. I transformed back into a human and shouted. "You're wrong! My uncle is innocent! Peter did it, Sirius tried to avenge Aunt and Uncle Potter!" I began to cry after I finished shouting hearing Harry's words echo in my mind. 'I'm gonna kill him!' I transformed back into my tiger and sprinted off to my room in the Ravenclaw tower. Hermione yelled after me but her efforts where only whispers. I know the truth, I have to get Uncle Sirius closer.. The shrinking shack will be perfect.

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