Smelling Memories

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I woke up feeling groggy, but now that classes have started, I'm feeling better. Thanks to coffee that is.
I sat in my chair next to Hermione in Defense Against the Dark Arts when I smelled something strange. Professor Moody walked past me and I realized the smell was coming from him.
"That's strange.." I whispered to myself looking down at my desk.
"What did you day Artemis." Hermione whispered over to me. All I gave for a response was a shake of my head.
Alastair Moody visited me at father's house back home. He was on business  to catch a dark wizard that fled the UK over to America. Only a few years ago, but I never forget a scent. He smelled like old leather, oil, and sandlewood. During the visit, I was informed that father had talked to him at the American ministry because it was known I am an animagas with a strong sense of smell and hearing. I was asked to help him under the condition he taught me certain wandless defensive spells and how to cast in my tiger form.
This man can't be Moody.. this man at the front of the class smells of rotten meat, sweat, and the musty halls of Azkaban.
The three curses are awful. My second cousin was in an argument with my mother when she killed mom. I remember hearing screaming then silence before laughter. I know two of those curses were used the night my mother died. From what I was told later in my childhood, I can remember the sounds because of inherenting my mother's excellent memory. Father told me that my biological father and uncle Sirius had returned home from work after my second cousin had left and found me in my cradle next to my mother's body. A few months later my biological father ended his life putting me in the hands of uncle Sirius. I was a year old went he was sent away for a crime he never committed.
I walked with Hermione, Ron, and Harry out of the classroom to enter our next class. We ran into Neville who was.. in a trance. 'Moody' had come down the stairs and took Neville back with him. Why did he take Neville back to class?
People were putting their names in the flaming goblet while Hermione and I sat together reading a couple of books, when Fred and George ran in excitedly.
Hermione explained that those aging potions wouldn't work because of the age line. But honestly it's because the potions were too strong and fast acting. No wonder they were flown back as elderly men and begun fighting. People were too interested in those two idiots when Victor Krum walked in to put his name in the goblet. It seems like Hermione caught his eye. I nudged her arm with a chuckle before slightly teasing her about it. On with today..

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