Sweet Talk First

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"Professor McGonagall, you said I need to control my transformations better. You have to watch the class, let Harry help me. I trust him." I pleaded with Aunt to let Harry come with us to Hogsmead since I know my way around the village. She finally agreed as long as I was transformed the entire time. I ran up to Harry and started to speak. "Harry, trust me. Climb on, I'm full grown now." I spoke softly before a shifted into a beautiful white tiger with piercing pale blue eyes in front of him. "Wow Artemis, you're beautiful. I promise not to pull on your fur." Harry said as he climbed on gently and held on tight enough not to fall off.
I ran ahead to join the group and walked beside Hermione and Ron. They were shocked to see me like this. This is the first time they've seen my tiger form. My thick fur was complimented by many of the students and Draco walked behind me to keep his friend from pulling on my tail since I already swiped my paw at Crab for pulling on it.
Hogsmead was wonderful with my friends.
Harry and I didn't stay the whole time since he wanted to speak with Professor Lupin. I also needed to speak with him, though maybe it was best not to do so as a tiger. I know what he is, he is my fear.

Miss Artemis BlackWhere stories live. Discover now