Interesting Game

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"Artemis! You're already here?" Ron exclaimed in a sleepish tone. I transformed back into my human form and stood next to the boot of a port key. I left Uncle at home with that grumpy old house elf who took a liking to me even though he wasn't happy about my choice in friends. After I left, I apirated here and slept under the stars as a tiger just as cozy as could be.
"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss the Quidditch World Cup match." I spoke in a raspy tone before letting out a yawn and stretching.  George and Fred hurriedly ran to me to embrace me tightly. After them it was Hermione and Ginny. I gave Harry a hug and told him I'll have to speak with him about how Sirius is and how he was finally proven innocent.
We all grabbed the boot and took off on the port key even though Harry almost missed it. I let go of the boot on time but the others were shocked. The adults said to let go right after I already did and soon everyone fell onto the ground except Cedric, the adults, and I. I don't blame them for not knowing how to land from the port key but it was funny to watch them fall.
Soon after landing we arrived at the Weasley's tent which reminded me of my home with my father. We lived in an enchanted tent, though ours was much larger and had two stories on the inside. I sat down on the bed us girls would be sharing and had a conversation about this school year with Hermione.  It was about school until she said something about my accent. "Artemis, you sound like you're from London now. I guess we had quite the impression on you." She chuckled with me on that. My father said I didn't sound like I was from home anymore. Though I miss home, maybe I'll move father over here someday so I can care for him in his old age.
Finally we got to our seats in the stadium and the teams entered in an extravagant way. This will definitely be an exciting day.
Ron became quite the fan of Victor Krum. But watching the boys mess around was cut short when Mr.Weasley and I heard a loud bang from outside. He and I went to the door to investigate when we were met with chaotic horror. Tents were on fire and there was a group in masks marching through. I ran back in the tent and grabbed my satchel which I had enchanted to house my homely things along with Hermione's and the Weasley's things. I'll have to remember to enchant Harry's belongings to it as well. After grabbing it and Mr.Weasly rushed everyone out, I transformed and lead everyone towards safety. But something felt off.. Harry was missing.
After all of the commotion, I lead Hermione and Ron to Harry by his scent. The Minister had casted stupify towards us and thankfully we all ducted in time. I transformed back into a human and kept everyone close as Mr.Weasley came up to us. We found out what happened and the Minister walked away in the end. He returned..

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