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All three schools sat in the great hall for the drawing of three students. I decided to sit with Draco tonight. Draco pulled me onto his lap and wrapped an arm around my waist and held my hands tightly.
Dumbledore and the teachers entered before Dumbledore made his announcement quite extravagant.
The goblet's fire grew large and red then out flew the first student's name.
"Victor Krum!" Dumbledore exclaimed. Excitement erupted in the room from the Bulgarian school boys as Victor walked up to Dumbledore and took the piece of paper. Victor left the great hall and down into the trophy room.
We waited for a moment, then the goblet's fire grew red once more. "Fjor Delacore!" Dumbledore announced before the Bowbattens school girls erupted loudly with high pitched screams of excitement.
The moment all of us Hogwarts students were waiting to know and hear. The goblet's fire grew red once more and Dumbledore caught the last piece of parchment. "Cedric Diggory!" Most of the Hogwarts students erupted into a world of excitement for Cedric.
"We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. The TriWizard Cup!" Dumbledore turned and pointed to a glowing blue goblet, trimmed with gold; it almost seems as if the cup was frosty and cold to the touch.
Suddenly the goblet's fire went crazy and huge in size before turning red and shooting out a piece of parchment. Everyone was silent as Dumbledore caught the parchment and read the name. "Harry Potter." He mumbled before reading Harry's name twice more loudly. I gripped onto Draco's hand tightly becoming tense and darted my eyes over to Harry. Hermione picked Harry up from his seat and pushed him towards Dumbledore. Harry looked straight at me, but all I could give him was a worried yet confused look as I shifted in Draco's lap. Harry went into the trophy room and we were all dismissed. What happened? Why didn't my visions warn me about this? Why haven't any of my visions been about Hogwarts this year? I hate being blocked. Someone tampered with that goblet. This is dark magic at hand.
I sat at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room with Draco. I know he'll be a pest, so I asked him to not be such a pest this time. "I'm too worried.. He's my cousin. How did this happen?" I mumbled over to Draco. He said nothing, just pulled me into an embrace and stroked my hair. I got up and bid Draco goodnight before leaving for my room. I just don't understand.. I laid down and focused into sleep to try to trigger a vision. "Mother moon. Please let me see." I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

Miss Artemis BlackWhere stories live. Discover now