Izuku Midoriya

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You sighed as you laid down on your dorm bed. You thought about your letter to Midoriya and knew for one that he wouldn't want you to feel bad so he'll never reject you, even though he may not accept you either. You regretted sending him the letter feeling it would be a distraction for him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. You got up and began to walk towards it until you noticed a (fav.color) letter slipping in from under the door. You picked it up and stared at it. You opened the door and found Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka talking in the hallway. You glanced at Midoriya who blushed violently as your eyes met. Your eyes trailed towards the letter in your hands and you went back in and closed the door. You opened the envelope to find a letter neatly written in Midoriya's handwriting.

Dear (name),

Thank you for the letter. As I began writing this reply, I understood how hard it may have been for you to write the letter. Thank you for all the things you wrote. It really helped in boosting my confidence. Thank you for everything and for being a wonderful friend and person you are. Thank you for writing the letter because I myself was wanting to confess to you for some time now.

Your heart skipped a beat, "What!?"

(Name), I too, really...uh...l-love you. I-I'm sorry I couldn't muster the courage to tell you earlier. The way you wrote the letter made me realize that it may have bothered you alot. If only I would have confessed earlier, you wouldn't have been bothered by the feeling so much. I'm really sorry. I don't want something like that to happen again, so I'll be the one to ask you this time, Will you be my girlfriend? And, uh, I , if it is a yes, I was planning a small trip to the restaurant, I-I mean, like a d-date?

Awaiting your answer

Izuku Midoriya

Your heart exploded as you shrieked out in excitement. You ran outside and at once, pounced on him, pulling him into a deep hug.

Sorry it's so short :D

Word count:358

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