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Anxiously you waited your turn for the bag to get passed to you. Finally after waiting a while the bag reaches you, you slowly reach in the bag until you feel something that just FIT into your hand nicely. It was smooth and ragged in some edges. You pull it out only to find a small, gray pebble. 'HAH I knew it.' You smirk already knowing who's this belonged to. It belonged to none other than Kirishima, your crush ever since you set foot in class 1A. He was always so reasonable and easy going, he was always there for you and indeed, he was very manly. You counted your steps to the closet. '... Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven. Seven steps to reach the closet' you thought on your way there. You open the rickety closet just to find exactly what you expected a dark, dusty, small room. You make your way inside and lean against the wall waiting for Kirishima to come. After what seemed like five minutes which in reality was just one minute, you finally saw Kirishima's strong build threw the closet door. He found his way next to you and leaned against the wall.

"Hey Y/N" Said Kirishima

"Yoooo" You replied.

"Never thought I'd be stuck in the closet with my best friend" Kirishima said as he slightly nudged your elbow. In that very moment you felt you heart weigh down and as it weighed down, so did you. You slumped down to the floor and buried yourself in your knees and hands. '...Stupid, Im so stupid I knew that he's my friend. I expected that he didn't feel the same way but why is it hitting me harder than I thought?'

"Hey what's up with you? Did I say something wrong" Kirishima said as he squatted down next to you and pat your head.

"N-No it's nothing" You said.

"Come on now Y/N. I wasn't born yesterday, It's obviously not 'nothing' if you acted like the way you did."

"It's just that I like you Kirishima, I always have." You mumbled into you hands but it came out muffled.

"Come again? I didn't hear you."

You lifted you head from your hands and looked him dead in the eyes all in a split second.

"I-I really like you Kirishima, and I know that you probably don't like me back I-I just had to get it out there and I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship I really hope it doesn't though." You said so quickly it sounded like one long and fast sentence.

"Awww Y/N, You're gonna make me blushh" He said as, he covered his mouth with his hand in a desperate attempt to cover his blush.

"I've loved you too. Ever since the day we met but, I thought that you wouldn't like me back so I pushed those feelings aside and tried to keep you as a friend rather than a lover and, I'm sorry for hiding these feelings from you I just didn't want to hurt you or push you away." Kirishima explained.

"Now you're gonna make me blush.. Kiri." You said

"Hey... Can- can I kiss you?" Kirishima sheepishly asked.

You nod you head.


Kirishima leans into you and kisses you passionately and slightly bites your lower lip.

"K-Kiri.. Th-that hurts..."

"Aww c'mon you wuss I barley did anything." Kirishima jokingly said.

"Fine, My turn." You leaned into Kirishima and kissed him with no hesitation what so ever. You bit his lip and poked you tongue in his mouth asking for passage and it has been granted. Your mouths on eachother felt so good and right like it the last puzzled piece to finish a long awaited puzzle. You kiss him deeply for a bit when finally, he pulls you away.

"Hey. Will you be my girlfriend? Will you be My Pebble?"

"HAH. Is that even a question dummy? Of course I'll be your 'Pebble'."

After a few more kisses, Seven minutes was finally over.

"HEY DUMBASSES YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!!" Screamed Bakugo, Not even bothering to come to the closet and tell you guys instead.

Kirishima stepped out of the closet first and you followed. You both found an empty spot on the couch and Kirishima leaned into you and pecked you on the cheek and said Whispered...

"Your mine Pebble..."

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