Hawks x Reader

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There were very few things in the world that you loved more than your charming menace of a boyfriend.

Your darling boyfriend, who took the time to ask you how your day went, every time without fail, nevermind the tiredness he felt. Your darling boyfriend who spent what little free time he had helping you with dinner, despite your protests for him to go lay down. Your darling boyfriend, who worked himself to the bone, and endured the brunt of his fatigue by himself whenever his shifts ended—always feigning nonchalance as he stumbled into your living room.

You didn't know why he did it, didn't know why he always chose to come to your place instead of his own. You were very well aware of the apartment he owned, the big, king-sized bed he hardly ever slept in. Still, he insisted on coming to yours once he finished his patrols. To your apartment, where a bed that could hardly be classified as a queen-sized one was waiting for him.

It's because your place is closer!

You recognised his words as a lie immediately. However—it was an oddly endearing lie, so you chose to let it slide. For some reason, Keigo adored sharing your smaller bed with you, to have you close to him, to feel you cuddle into him as you ushered him to get closer so his larger frame wouldn't fall off. And, well, if you were being honest...so did you.

The lovesick bubble you wrapped yourself in each night popped when you caught sight of his wings on a particular evening. His pretty, fiery red wings laid mostly on the ground as he slept. On the ground. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, as the bed was barely big enough for the two of you—let alone for the two of you and the entirety of his wings.

That didn't mean you weren't bothered by the sight, however. Then and there, you decided that it simply wouldn't do.

Keigo over-worked himself—day in, day out, and he started the cycle back up again the day after with the same smile on his face. So, you settled on taking a page out of his book for the next few weeks.

Aside from your regular job, you took on a couple of extra side-jobs; small things—such as babysitting your neighbour's kids, or walking their dogs. And right before the next month was over, you'd gathered enough money for a big, king-sized bed you knew for sure would be big enough for your boyfriend. You'd looked at him often enough to know his wings and their size by now.

Yet, even though you'd chosen the right size, it seemed your newest purchase wasn't as compliant as you'd hoped it would be. Its next move was rolling the screwdriver you were using far and far away from you and off its frame. With widened eyes, you reached for it, cursing under your breath as it rolled out of your hold. You couldn't exactly move much, as you were pretty sure the structure would fall apart if you did.

With bated breath you watched as it rolled closer to the edge, fingers twitching to reach it but never quite covering the distance. You sighed in absolute relief when a single, red feather drifted in front of you and caught it right before it fell off. The joy was short-lived, as your relaxation caused your posture to change, and thus a few of the screws fell from the frame you were holding upwards. You watched in disappointment as the planks fell down, not even bothering to catch them.

"So...whatcha doing?"

A frustrated groan left you, and you kicked one of the wooden beams aside in annoyance. With a pout on your lips, and your arms crossed over your chest, you sought out your boyfriend's pretty golden eyes.

"Battling IKEA," you huffed, sighing as you watched another screw fall from the barely-standing build. You pinched the bridge of your nose, shaking your head with closed eyes to compose yourself. "And losing." The baby feather put the screwdriver down next to you, earning the first smile of the evening from you. "Thank you."

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