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You were so stressed out. You had entered the classroom bravely after 10 minutes of hesitation, only to hear your classmates yelling. It scared you. You hoped they weren't going to talk to you, you would definitely die of embarrassment if they talked so loudly with you. You had sat in the back of the classroom where the other students couldn't see you. You didn't want others to watch you during class without you knowing. You really were the definition of a shy girl.

You sat beside the window and a half white half red haired guy. He didn't seem like the type to talk a lot and you were happy with it, because you sure weren't going to engage in a conversation. At least not for now.

The teacher finally arrived after a while and he definitely wasn't what you had expected. You didn't want to be mean, even if it was only thinking about it in your head, but he looked like he was in dire need of sleep and a shower. Not long after, he said that the students should take their training outfit and go change because they would do a test. You were not mentally prepared for this and you thought you would fail miserably.

That was until the teacher said that whoever ended up last would be kicked out of school! You wouldn't allow this after all the hard work you had done to be here. Still, you were about to crack under the pressure, but you told yourself you had to endure it.

You used your Invisible walls in intelligent ways during the tests and you were able to finish 9th place, wich was really good in your opinion. You had admired the ice Quirk of the guy sitting next to you, Todoroki, you had learned. He was so cool! (No pun intended).

You were now exhausted after the shocking revelation that Aizawa-sensei was lying about the expulsion thing. You were walking back home when you saw Todoroki walking in the same direction as you. At first you thought it was ackward as hell. And than you imagined him noticing you and the fact that you hadn't said anything to him even though you were just behind him and decided that it would be better to simply greet him.
-Hm-m, hello, Todoroki-san, you said with a small voice. It looks like we are going in the same direction.
You didn't know how, but he actually heard you and he turned around, looking at you with his two different eye colors. He had the same cold face (again, no pun intended) that he had all day.
-Ok. Please don't talk to me, I'm not here to make friends. Now if you'll excuse me.
And he continued walking without sparing you another glance.

You were dying inside. Your face was as red as a tomato and you wanted to dig a hole and hide inside of it for the rest of your life. You actually turned in a random street just so you would stop following him. How could you live and see him tomorrow when you were sitting just next to him!!??

How you got together:
The next day you had come to school screaming inside at the thought of sitting next to the ice boy. You decided to sit at the very last moment and in that time a bubbly girl named Uraraka came to talk with you. She Introduced you to Izuku, who looked almost as shy as you and to the righteous Iida, who you actually thought was a bit intimidating. Of course, in the end you had to sit down and live the day beside the object of your shame. The classes were long and painful.

After a delicious lunch, All might came to teach you! You were very excited to see the number one hero in flesh. You then had to change into your hero costumes and go to ground beta for hero training.

You were pretty excited to see the hero costume that you had designed yourself for the first time. You had done a lot of drawings before settling on the one you thought was the cutest and most practical outfit at the same time. In truth, you didn't need any special tool to use your Quirk, but you did add a pair of glasses in case it came to this. The hero costume was a baby blue A line lolita dress with laces and with white knee high socks and a beret. It was surprisingly easy to move around in it and it was very cute. You also had a belt with a little compartment for a pair of glasses.

When you had drawn it, you forgot that you would have to wear it! Now you were so embarrassed. It was way too cute for someone like you, everyone would judge you, was the only thing you could think about, even though no one thought that.

Uraraka had told you that you were super cute in it and Izuku had become crimson red. When everyone was finally ready, All might explained the training and you were paired with Todoroki on team B. Todoroki... Todoroki!!!! The one guy you least wanted to talk to. You still remembered what he told you when you had the courage to greet him. Still, you had to somehow make a plan and forget about your shame, so you went toward him while giving yourself an internal pep tallk.
-Hmm, since we're a team, I think it would be good idea to tell eachother our Quirk. Mine is called invisible wall. I can create Invisible structure that only I can see. Thay can float too. What about you?
You were actually acting a lot calmer than you thought you would. Probably because it was about training.
-I can basically create Ice. But don't worry. The fight will end quickly.
He said it with confidence. He didn't look at you during the whole conversation, but you decided not to mind it too much.
The fights that were before you finally ended and your turn started.
-I can go look in the glass on the higher floors.
-It won't be necessary. Stay back.
He went into the building and just froze everything, ending the fight without you doing anything. You were a bit sad about it, but well, your team had won after all. You then went to congratulate him.
-Good job! That was amazing!!!
You had a small smile on your face. Then you remembered the interaction you had with him the day before and wondered if he would just ignore you.
-Y-yeah. Thanks.
He didn't in fact ignore you. He was actually blushing?? You mind did flips. Was it because you praised him? He was probably the type to get embarrassed by compliments. You could sympathize.

What he was actually thinking was that you were actually a pretty cute person. He had told you that rude thing the day before, but he still decided to see what kind of person you were. He noticed the way you were trying your best to avoid him because you were embarrassed and he smiled at you without even noticing. You were always blushing and stuttering but sometimes you just had a big smile that made a light appear in his eyes. He wouldn't acknowledge those feelings though. He didn't have time for this.

Some weeks had passed. You and Todoroki sill didn't talk much, but he sometimes talked to you first and you were now able to have a decent conversation with him without dying. You saw how much of a kind person he actually was. Now when you spoke with him, you weren't blushing because of shame. You spent most of your time with Uraraka and the group and you sometimes cooked with Sato.

The USJ incident had been scary but it also hardened your resolve to fight evil. It was now just after the sports festival. You were able to get 6th place, wich wasn't bad, even if you of course wanted to win. Iida had left for family reasons so you were now searching for Todoroki to congratulate him. You had heard about his family without really meaning to and you felt horrible for him, it made you want to cry.
You were still searching in the hallways when someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see the guy you were looking for standing in front of you.
-Ono-san. I wanted to tell you something.
You looked at him with worry in your eyes. Was it something bad?
-I decided that I should be brave and stop avoiding scary things. I'll go visit my mom. I need to do it to move on and really start my life.
You smiled at him, that smile that he liked so much.
-I'm happy if this decision will make you happy.
-But there's another thing that I wanted to tell you.
You looked at him with curiosity, wondering what else he had to say.
-I love you and I would like to go out with you. Will you?
You face FLARED red. He had the same voice as always and if not for the slight blush that he had, you would definitely think that you heard wrong. You could hear you heart beating in your head. You had a crush on the boy, so the answer was easy, but you still couldn't believe it when the word exited your mouth.

Your first kiss:
Your life as a couple was quite simple. You went on date, but most of the time you were just cuddling while watching movies together.

Today was one of those days and you were between the strong arms of your boyfriend while watching a horror movie. You weren't too bad with them, but the jump scares always got to you. Everytime Shouto would hold you tight and pat you on the head, smiling at your suprised face.

You felt warm and safe in his arms, so cozy you could sleep, if not for the scary movie. His chest and arms were hard but very comfortable and his slow breathing calmed you down when you were getting anxious. He was perfect for you, calm and kind and all that you ever wanted in a boyfriend. At first you were really shy with physical contact, but with time and because Todoroki really liked holding you in his arms, you became used to it.

You looked at his beautiful face and mismatched eyes smiling to yourself. His gaze catched yours and you stopped breathing for a moment. He was looking at your lips and the movie went far in the back of your head. You came a bit closer to him, placing your hands on his strong shoulders. He hugged you and your lips collided softly in a chaste kiss. You were very red but the feeling was too amazing for you to think about stopping. He deepened the kiss slightly, running his hands in your hair. You separated from him, still looking in his eyes. You were crimson and slightly out of breath, while his eyes flashed with lust.
-That... Was something.
You said flushing a deeper shade of red.
-Yeah. Let's do it again.
And he didn't wait for an answer before kissing you again.

Let's just say that the movie was quickly fogotten and that you slept very well in his arms, thinking about all those kiss he gave you afterwards.

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