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'OMG! I can't wait until the bag gets passed to me I really hope I get him.' You think anxiously as you look over at Denki who is listening to music. 'Damn he's so cute even when he's not doing anything in particular, It's like a talent.' You thought when your thoughts were interrupted by the bag abruptly landing on your lap followed by hoots and cheers by the others urging you to hurry up and choose something. You obey their urges and quickly reach your hand inside the bag you rummage around and pull out a small Pikachu plushy. 'Now who could this be?' you thought as you make your way to the closet looking at the item in hand. You entered the dark closet and waited standing and shuffling around awkwardly. You wait and wait when finally a hand reaches in followed by a slender body. which belonged to Kaminari.

"Hey Hey Y/N funny seeing you here." Denki smirked and chuckled.

"Hi there." You replied.

"Come on you sound so down in the dumps Y/N, Oh I know! Wanna listen to some of my music to cheer you up, and if you don't like my music you can make fun of me for it." Denki suggested.

"Hahhaa Im not 'Down in the dumps' don't worry but yeah i would love to listen to some music." You assured.

Kaminari Pulled out his head phones and his phone and sat down against the wall. You did as he did. You put your hand down rather close to Denki's hand. He gave you an earbud and you graciously took it and put it in your ear. He played his playlist which consisted of a lot of pop music from 80's. As you listened along it gave you memories you didn't even know you had. You began to tear up as you remember your dad loved this genre of music too but he wasn't here anymore, he passed away 3 months ago. Denki noticed you crying and put his hand on yours and began to talk

"Are you ok Y/N? Did a disturbing song come on?"

"N-no its not that. Its just m-my dad really liked these types of songs, a-and he passed away 3 months ago-..."

"oh i-im sorry I didn't know-... want me to sing to you?"

"mhm please."

Kaminari began to sing to you and you allow your head to slowly fall down onto his shoulder. He tightened the grasp on your hand.

"I-I love you Y/N" Denki said quietly, although it wasn't quiet enough for you to not hear.

"I-I love you too." You confess

"Hey, will you be my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget?" He asks you romantically. You start to laugh at the stupid yet sweet nick name.

"Hahahaha yeah." You say as you lean into him even more and he pulls you in closer into a hug and he continues singing. After a while he finally stands up and lifts helps you stand up by your hands. He gently pushes you against the wall and lifts your chin ever so gently just so your eyes meet one another. He leans into you and you blush and look down and close your eyes.

"Ah come on now buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget, don't get shy now..."

He continues to lean in and kisses you. Nothing special just a soft, sweet, gentle kiss. Iida opens the door.

"Come on then time u- WHAT MONSTERAS DEED ARE YOU TWO DOING!" He says as he breaks the moment.

"Come on Iida, its just a bit of fun for kids our age" Kaminari turns and says to Iida.

"C'mon Denki, l-lets finish this some other time." You say as you take his hand and lead him out the closet flustered.

"Yeah, good call Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget some other time-..." he smirks seductively

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