Katsuki Bakugo

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You put your hand deep into the bag, feeling each object, trying to find something that might belong to your crush. After rummaging a bit, you touch something at the very bottom.

It felt like an ordinary coin, but since there was nothing else appealing, you pull that out, which indeed, turns out to be a simple 500¥ piece.

For a split second someone covers your eyes as to not let you see who you were getting into the closet with.As you slowly stand up, you think that only a person as uninterested in the game as him would put such an unimportant item in the bag. Momo closes the door behind you, reminding you that you only have seven minutes.

You try to adjust to the darkness, as you can't see anything around you.

"Hello?" You ask into the shadows, getting no response back. You sigh and lean against the wall, only to find not hard and cold wood, but something soft and warm – someone, to be precise.

You let out a loud, mouse-like squeak and try to get away, only to be stopped by a pair of arms. "Jeez, you're so loud..." You freeze in shock at the sound of that voice, not moving a muscle.

You open your mouth to respond, only to be suddenly pressed against the opposite wall, your hands pinned at your sides by Bakugo's large ones, his body on top of yours keeping you still. You can feel his hot breath on your neck as his face gets closer to your ear.

"Say, did you choose the coin on purpose? Did you know it was mine?" He growls into your ear, his husky voice sending an odd shiver down your spine.

"Yeah, Bakugo, I did," you respond, feeling that lying would be a VERY bad idea. His grip tightens around your wrists and he backs his face away, now glaring down at you with those deep, red orbs, suddenly making you feel incredibly small and vulnerable compared to his large, powerful frame.

"Why would you? Why would you choose such an asshole as me!? Everyone hates me, why wouldn't you!?"

You swallow nervously, not managing to look away from his prying gaze.

"I like you," you finally muster, seeing no sense in beating around the bush. You shut your eyes expectantly, waiting for the backlash to come.

​​​​​​A few seconds of absolute silence pass, but before you can open your eyes again, his hot, slightly chapped lips are suddenly pressing roughly against yours.

The startled groan that escapes you gets swallowed by him, and you can't help but to press yourself harder against him, feeling your body start to heat up to the very core.

"Is this okay?" He asks right after pulling away, a hot, shuddering breath escaping him. You hastily nod, not wanting to waste another precious second that you had with him. His lips crash back onto yours, sending little sparks of pleasure flying across your skin.

Bakugo's hands steadily lessen the tension on your wrists, which then snake down and around your waist, holding you possessively.

Now free of his grasp, you entangle your hands around his shoulders, and your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, making him push you rougher against the closet wall.

You both break the kiss for air with a wet 'pop', but the pause doesn't last long, as his lips are now on your neck, harshly leaving a row of love marks, his name softly escaping your lips.

"Tsk, I haven't even started yet and you're already moaning out my name... well, guess what... I've still got more in store," he chuckles into your ear, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up at his bold statement, and then continues with the procedure, going all the way down to your collarbone.

You, concentrated on his face, did not notice his wandering hands, which slipped under your shirt and started exploring your back, his hands rising up to pass over your shoulder blades and back down to your waist again.

You gasp at the sudden contact, your previously closed eyes snapping open. "Bakugo!" You gasp, which only makes him smirk and kiss you again, softer, but still with the same domination that seemed to show through in every single one of his actions.

You shut your eyes once more and tug at his shirt, bringing him, if it was even possible at the this point, closer to you, the feeling of his hot body against yours, your only real thing in this world right now.

​​​​​​" Time's u... AGHH OH MY GOSH MY SWEET VIRGIN EYES!!" Screams Mina as she opens the closet, making light enter and illuminate both of your sweaty bodies, your hands tugging at his shirt and his still roaming your back, your shirt lifted up and your body pressed between Bakugo and the wall. Momo quickly covers Uraraka's eyes, while Jiro does the same with Tsuyu while Toru just covers hers with her own (then realising hers were invisible, she turns around to not look). You both exit the closet, Bakugo's hand on your waist, leading you to the couch.

"So, will you continue or not?!" He snaps at everyone, all of whom were staring at you with wide eyes. They all nod and continue the game, occasionally glancing at you two. You curiously look up at him.

"Say, Bakugo, why did you even agree to play the game? I thought you weren't interested in childish games like these." You watch with satisfaction as his cheeks redden ever so slightly. "Were you hoping that I would be the one to get in with you?"

"What does it matter? In the end, we both got what we wanted, right?" He asks, placing his head on your shoulder to nibble slightly at your earlobe.

You smile affectionately.

"I guess you're right."

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