Tamaki Amajiki

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As you rummage trough the bag, you feel something greasy brush against your fingers. Your hand encloses around the object, and as you pull it out, it turns out to be a round piece of takoyaki.

Every head turns towards the corner of the room, where Tamaki is sitting alone. His face immediately turns a dark shade of red, and he shakes his head​ violently.

But that doesn't stop the horde of people advancing towards him, as they drag his and yours protesting selves towards the closet, and throw you in rather quickly, as though afraid you might escape if they don't.

And so, the closet door closes, and you are left alone in the darkness with Tamaki, sniggers heard from the outside.

He immediately scurries to the corner of the closet, his head pressed against the wall. You do the same, your eyes on the back of his head, your cheeks burning hot.

Several extremely embarrassing minutes pass, no one saying a word to each other. Taking a deep breath, you say the first sentence.

"Shall we ask them if we can go out now?" You mutter quietly.

Tamaki turns his head towards you, his facial expression just as anxious as always. "Good idea..." He mutters back. Banging your fist against the locked closet wall, you try to reach towards the others.

"Let us out! We didn't want to play this stupid game anyway!" You yell, making Tamaki wince at the loud noise.

You can hear someone's teasing voice from outside, not recognising it from inside the tiny space. "Not until you kiss we won't! Don't deny it any more, we know you like each other!" Turning, if even possible, a deeper shade of red, you glance towards Tamaki, who looked as though the only thing he wished for right now was to disappear on the spot.

"D-don't believe them, it's not like it's true or anything like that..." you mutter, looking down at your feet. "It's not?" he asks, and immediately seems to regret what he said.

"I-I mean it's not like I like you, no wait! Don't get me wrong you're a nice person, and I really like you and... Ahhggh!!" he lets out a low scream and sank to the floor, his head between his hands.

"Why am I so awkward?" he mutters to no one in particular. You kneel on the floor next to him.

"I get you," you smile in what you hope is reassurance.

"So what were you trying to say?"

He raises his head, looking straight through you. "I-I like you..."

You stare at him, startled. "I know you don't like me, but I wanted you to know." he says, looking away, his voice quivering.

Slowly, as though time itself was frozen, your face automatically approaches him, just as slowly, he turns his face towards yours.

And before you know it, your lips are connected, both of your eyes closed, your hand resting on his warm cheek.

Everything else seems to dissolve around you and Tamaki seems like the only real thing, the rest unimportant, worthless, compared to what you were feeling right now.

But everything eventually comes to an end. Exactly as slowly as it happened, you pull away, feeling a certain numbness inside you. You both grin sheepishly at each other, before the door flies open. "Yes! I knew you could do it!" exclaims Negire, her eyes shining as you clumsily got out of the closet, not looking at anyone.

Tamaki squeezes your hand, and gives you a shaky smile, communicating silent words of comfort.

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