Chapter 2

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I sighed to myself as I sat bored in my current class. I was meant to be in my English class but the tutor, Olivia Edwards, called in sick, so the drama tutor, Debbie Hanson was covering today. It still felt weird to me that we could now call a tutor by their proper name and not Miss, Mrs or Mr like I'd had to in school. I was currently sat in between Vic and Ben, at least we all had this class together, the only downside was that Emma and some of her minions were also in this class. Jack and some of his friends, Sonny and Liam were also in this class too. 

Since Debbie preferred to talk about drama rather than English, I think we were talking about princess fairy tales or something, I zoned out, not really interested. 

"Right then everyone, which one of you lovely young ladies would like to play the part of the princess?" I vaguely heard Debbie's voice ask

Emma raised her hand, catching Debbie's attention. 

"Ah yes, a volunteer" Debbie praised

"No, not me, but I think Maddie over there would make a great princess" Emma smirked over 

Suddenly everyone was looking at me. 

"Maddie, would you like to?" Debbie asked, clasping her hands together. 

"Sure" I shrugged and stood up. 

"Now for the part of the Prince" Debbie enthused looking at the small group of guys. 

"I think Jack would be great for that part" Emma remarked

What the hell was this girl playing at?! I thought to myself as I glanced back to Vic and Ben. Vic was giving me a sympathetic look, while Ben just smirked at me and gave me a thumbs up sign with his thumbs. 

"Jack, would you mind?" Debbie asked

 Jack looked at his friends and was about to answer but Emma beat him to it.

"Of course he would love to, I mean he gets to play the part of the prince that gets to kiss the princess" Emma smirked

It was still quiet while Debbie looked over at Jack with pleading puppy dog eyes. Jack sighed before getting up. 

"Sure, let's get this over with" Jack said as he walked over to the middle to join me. 

Apparently Sleeping  beauty was picked for the small show we were suppose to take part in for this lesson. Of course, Emma got the part of Maleficent, no surprise there. Ben nominated himself and Vic for two of the three fairies. 

"Figured you'd go for that part" Emma smugly remarked to Ben

"Well I'm happy to be the fairy, better to be a fairy than the villain love" Ben smirked back. 

Soon everyone had a part and we got to work on the play. It didn't take long before it came up to the part where my character was meant to be in the woods singing to the forest animals when Jack's character was on his horse in the woods and stumbled across my character. Jack's character was meant to come up behind mine before they, or rather we, started dancing. I lightly placed my hand in Jack's and placed my other hand on his shoulder while Jack awkwardly held my hand and placed his other hand by my waist. There was a bit of a gap between us, I was unsure if I should move in closer or not, that was soon answered for me. 

"No no no, you two must be closer together, no gaps between you" Debbie said as she came over and gently pushed us closer together. I gasped before I looked up, when I did, I found myself staring into Jack's deep brown eyes. 

Before anyone could say anything or do anything else, the bell began to ring loudly, signalling that this lesson was now over. 

"Well done everyone, I'm very happy with how today's lesson went" Debbie said as she waved us off. 

I walked over to Vic and Ben, picking up my bag and hoodie before exiting the room with them. 

"So how did it feel to get close to your prince?" Ben joked with me as we walked towards our locker. 

"Knock it off" I smiled as I shook my head 

As we reached the locker room, I was shocked to see Emma talking to Matt, she has a smirk on her face, when she saw Ben, Vic and I walking over, she smirked even more before winking and walking off. I looked at Matt who looked shocked and also like his blood was boiling. 

"Is it true?!" Matt demanded once we, well I reached him. 

"What?" I asked although I knew what he was on about.

"You and that thing in your last class" Matt said in an aggravated tone

"Okay first thing, that thing, is a human being and his name is Jack" I hit back 

"Human?! He's not-" Matt started but I cut him off by holding my hand up

"You have your opinion on them and I have mine, since I seen Emma with you, I'm guessing it was her that told you about today but I bet she never told you that it was her that nominated us for those parts" I said in an annoyed tone as I slammed my locker door closed. 

"What ?!" Matt asked shocked

"Yeah she nominated us for those parts and first chance she gets, she tells you all about it, leaving her part out" I snapped.


"Can you believe the nerve of her?" I asked Ben as I paced around his bedroom. 

I had decided to avoid Matt for the rest of the day, including lunch time and after college. We had asked Vic to come over as well but she had a lot to do for some of her other classes. 

"I have to admit, I prefer you with Jack rather than Matt" Ben remarked

I looked at Ben shocked, not sure what to say or how to answer him. 

"I just mean you look better suited together" Ben shrugged

"You and I both know I can't be with him, I mean he is a werewolf and they only settle for their chosen mate, that's not gonna be me" I pointed out. 

I stayed over at Ben's for a while, we watched a movie and talked, it felt great. It was great having a friend like Ben, someone who listened to you, let you vent off, always has your back. Ben and I have been friends for a long time, he actually stuck up for me one time in high school when one of the popular kids thought it would be fun to tease me about my dad, or my lack of knowledge about him, Ben had saw and over heard everything, he said something and since that day, we became best friends. I checked the time and saw that it was getting late. 

"I better be getting back home now" I groaned as I stood up 

"You can always stay over" Ben offered 

"I'll be okay, I'll text you when I get home" I said, that was one rule between us, whenever one of us left the other's house, we had to text them to let them  know that we got home safely. 

I pulled my hoodie closer to my body as I walked home in the cold, it wasn't raining or snowing, it was just cold. I looked at my phone as I walked back to mine, Ben had let me use his charger to charge my phone up at his for a bit. As I walked home alone in the dark, I know, never a good idea, I walked along a long road, there was some street lights but they weren't very bright or let out much light. I suddenly got this feeling that I was being watched, I stopped and looked around but didn't see or hear anyone. I shrugged the feeling off and continued my journey home. 

Once I got home, I texted Ben to let him know I was home safe like I had promised. I didn't have any homework to do and since I was tired, I decided to just get ready for bed. I climbed into bed and pulled my duvet over me once I had changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. Matt hadn't texted me since our fight earlier that day. I sighed before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over me. Once I was in a deep sleep, all I remember was familiar deep, dark brown eyes staring into mine. 

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