Chapter 11

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Warning: There will be mentions of drunkenness and violence towards the end of this chapter and also some swearing, don't read if your uncomfortable with any of these topics


I was currently out in the pack grounds with Lewis and Tyler, we were practising our training together. I had requested a meeting with both my parents. 

"You okay Jack? You look nervous" Tyler asked

"Yeah, I'm gonna speak with my parents soon, tell them about Maddie being my mate and asking if they would like to meet her" I answered

"I thought you and Mads were good?" Tyler asked confused

"We are" I shrugged 

"So what's the problem?" Tyler asked

"Maddie is nervous about meeting them, I know they will both love her plus my sister, Caitlin, she's always wanted a sister, my mum is gonna flip that I haven't told her...them sooner about Maddie" I explained

"Can't you just say that her ex is a pain and you both wanted to keep things private from him?" Tyler suggested 

"Maybe, that might work" I said as I thought about it


I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door to my father's study / work room. 

"Come in" I heard his voice call from the other side of the door. 

I took another deep breath before exhaling then opening the door and walking into the room. 

"Jack, son, come in" My father smiled. 

My father, William Farkas was the pack leader, everyone looked up to him. He was a reliable and honourable man. I think I look like him a lot even if my friends do tease me for being a mama's boy. My father is strong built, he trains every day, sometimes more than once. He has the werewolf pack tattoo on his chest too.  He has short dark brown hair, his hair has always been short, unlike mine, he has dark green eyes. 

"So what's this meeting for that you require both your mother and myself?" My dad asked

"I think it's best to wait for mum" I replied nervously

"Jack, your my son, I've watched you grown from a small baby into the young man you are now, I've never known you to be this nervous" my dad pointed out 

"Dad, it's best we wait for mum" I said as I still tried to reason with him

"Have you done something you shouldn't have? Gotten into a fight? Trouble at college?" My dad quizzed on.

If there was a few things to know about my dad, it was that he was very persistent and stubborn, he wouldn't stop or give up until he got to the bottom of things" 

"No dad it's nothing like that, it's nothing bad and it's nothing to worry about" I said, trying to give him as much reassurance as I could.

"William, I hope your not trying to pressure our son into discussing whatever it is that he wishes to speak to the both of us about" My mother's voice said as she entered the room.

My mother, Rose Farkas, was a middle ages but she still looked young for her age. She was is forty nine years old but she looks late thirties, early forties. She had long medium brown hair, like me she has dark brown eyes. My mum has always been very gentle with my sister and I, she's never been strict or forced us to live a certain way, she's always been supportive of our decisions and career choices, well mine anyway, my younger sister, Caitlin was still in school. 

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