Chapter 9.

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I was in a sound and peaceful sleep, until the sunlight shone through my window and curtains. I'd had the most perfect and sleep that I'd had in a while, maybe it was because Jack was here last night and slept next to me and cuddled me close to him. I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I smiled as I woke up a bit more, I looked to other side of the bed, expecting to see Jack still there either awake but confusion took over me when the space next to me was empty. I lay wondering if Jack really had come over last night or if it was all just a dream or if he did come over had he already left early before anyone saw him like he did before? I sighed to myself before deciding to get up. 

I got up, pulled on my light grey zipper hoodie on before making my way through the house. The smell of food and cooking soon got my attention and confused me even more. I walked through, towards my kitchen with caution. Had Ben come over early and started cooking breakfast for us, which he sometimes likes to do? As I made the doorway into my kitchen I was shocked to see Jack in there, cooking. 

"Jack?" I said, catching his attention

"Oh hey, good morning beautiful, sleep well?" Jack asked as he took small glances over my way and concentrated on the cooking

"I did, I've had the best sleep I've had in a while, I was confused when I saw the bed was empty, I thought that maybe last night was just another dream or that you had-" I began but stopped

"You thought I'd already left again, like how I left early the last time" Jack finished my sentence for me

"Sorry" I said suddenly feeling very foolish

"Maddie come here" Jack said and opened his arms out for me to walk into. 

I moved from standing by the door and walked over into Jack's open, waiting arms, once I was right by Jack, he wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. 

"I'm never gonna leave you Maddie, I promise, last time I was here and stayed over is different to now" Jack told me


Jack and I finished eating the breakfast that he had cooked for us both, we were now sitting cuddled up on the sofa in the living room.

"So what should we tell everyone? I mean do you even want to tell anyone?" Jack asked

"For the time being, I think it would be best just to keep this between us, I know what Matt and his friends can be like" I answered

"Okay, good point, so what do you normally do on a Sunday?" Jack asked as he twirled a piece of my hair around his finger. 

"Normally, Ben comes over here or I go over to his, we watch movies, talk, do any homework we have, order something in for dinner" I shrugged as I answered

"So you pretty much just chill out and have a lazy Sunday" Jack joked

"Pretty much" I laughed 

"So did you have fun checking me out?" Jack asked

"Last night?" I asked confused

"Come on Mads, I know last night wasn't your first time checking me out, you were watching me that day I was playing football with my friends, you were sitting outside with Ben and -" Jack began but stopped

"And Vic?" I asked

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to upset you or anything" Jack said.

"You didn't, if I'm honest, yes what they did, it did hurt me but when you left me the other night after telling me I was your mate, that seemed to hurt and upset me even more" I admitted

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