Chapter 10

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I spent the next few days, spending my time with Jack, his friends and of course Ben. At break and lunch during college we always managed to sneak off together. One sunny day, we managed to sneak off to a park, Jack and his friends played football whilst Ben and I watched them from the side. 

"Bet your enjoying this, front row view, watching your man this time so you won't be caught out checking him out from afar" Ben whisper teased in my ear. 

"Well it is a much better view being this close to watch" I giggled 

"I'm so glad we are able to get away from the college campus without people spying on us or following us" Ben said and I knew what and who he meant

"I know, I hope they've gotten the hint now" I replied as I looked down and picked a piece of grass. 

"What's up with you this morning?" Ben asked concerned

"It's nothing" I shrugged

"Your not having problems already are you?" Ben asked

"No everything is fine between Jack and I" I replied

"So what is it?" Ben pushed on 

"Every time we're alone together, and things are getting heated between us" I began to explain but Ben cut in 

"Like the other week when I walked in and caught you both on your sofa?" Ben asked with a smirk 

"Yeah, when I think he's gonna take it further, I don't know, Jack goes cold and backs off" I explained to Ben but kept my voice down low

"Maybe it's a werewolf thing, or maybe he's nervous?" Ben suggested 

"I don't know, maybe it's me" 

"Don't be stupid, any guy, straight guy that is, should count their lucky stars to have you" Ben smiled as he pulled me into a hug. 

Ben and I sat talking and giggling, Ben kept his arm around me the whole time. I did notice Sonny looking over and then looking away as soon as he saw us. I wasn't the only one to notice this, Ben also noticed him too. 

"You see what I mean?" Ben asked

"Yeah, have you tried talking to him?" I asked

"No because I have no idea what to say to him" Ben said 

"Ask him about himself, what other sports he's into, what kind of movies does he like, music, food" I said throwing a lot of suggestions Ben's way. 

"I mean I guess I could always try" Ben said as he looked at his phone

"One other thing" I said 

"What's that?" Ben asked, looking my way

"Tell him your gay and that we're only friend's, nothing is ever gonna happen between us" I laughed 

Ben slightly shoved me before he shook his head laughing. 


I noticed Sonny and his reaction to seeing Maddie and Ben sitting having fun together. I and my wolf were both fine as we knew there would never be anything between them, Ben was gay and Maddie was my mate. i walked over to Sonny and pulled him aside. 

"What's wrong?" 

He tried to give me a confused look.

"Don't even try that one Son, I've noticed the way you keep on looking over at Maddie and ben, they are only friend's, no need to be jealous" I pointed out

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