Chapter 14

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The sun was out shining brightly yet again today, much like it had the day before. Today though, I wasn't in the garden like I had been the day prior with Rose. Today, Jack had brought me to this quiet bit, we were sat on the grass under a large tree in the shade, there was a river flowing to the left side of where we were currently sat. 


"Hmm" Jack replied

Jack was sat up against the tree, he was holding me close to him, I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"I've been thinking" I began but Jack cut me off

"I'm still not biting you or marking you just yet, no matter how hard you or my wolf try to tempt me or force me" Jack said

"No, it's nothing to do with that, even though I still stand by what I said to you last night. No, I was just thinking, maybe it would be best if we just keep us between us for now, I mean, I know that Ben and you friends and family know about us but, I'm worried when the others find out, especially Matt, he's going to kick off, warn you off or say something and your going to take his words into consideration-" I began ranting off but Jack cut me off

"Hey shh, okay we won't tell anyone else from college just yet, as for him, he can't say anything that would make me want to change my mind about you or about us" Jack told me in a reassuring voice as he rubbed my back.

"I know, but it happens a lot doesn't it, two people that get together but others aren't happy about it, someone says something to one of them and it puts an idea in their head and the couple break up" 

"That's not going to happen to us, we're stronger than that" Jack promised 

"I know but I also know what Matt can be like, I don't even know why he's being like this with me when he hasn't bothered with any of the other girls he's dated then cheated on" 

"Maybe it's because he knows he's lost a good thing" Jack smiled 

"Smooth Farkas" I joked 

"It's the truth and look on the bright side, now that we have a week off college for the break, I can keep you here with me" Jack said as he nuzzled his head into my neck 

"For the whole week?" I asked shocked

"Why not?" Jack asked

"I don't have any other clothes here, I'd need to go back-"  I began then stopped remembering the last time I was at my own apartment 

"Hey, shh it's okay, I know a place where you can get some clothes to tide you over" Jack said, clearly picking up on my unease

"Where?" I asked curious

"There's some shops, just out of town, we tend to go to those shops" 

"Okay we could maybe go there in a bit" I smiled 

I didn't really like the thought of moving from this spot with Jack, I was very happy and comfy here. 

"What are you thinking about now?" Jack asked

"That I don't want to move from this spot right here with you because I'm happy and cosy" 

"I would tell you that my bed is even cosier and comfier but then you already know that" Jack teased


A few hours later and I was back at the pack house, in Jack's room. We had gone to the shops that Jack had mentioned earlier, just out of town, I had managed to find a few things, jeans, leggings, tops, jumpers, underwear and also some night wear too. I did have my purse and bank card with me to pay but of course, Jack insisted on paying for everything. While we were out that way, we decided to just grab something to eat for dinner too. Jack called back to the pack house to let them know that we'd be eating out. 

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