Chapter 4.

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I was currently sat in the cinema screen room with Ben, as it turns out, Jack and his friends also decided to come and see the same movie. Ben and I talked quietly between us while the adverts played. 

"What do you think is going on with Vic?" Ben asked

"I don't know, maybe she's met someone but keeping it quiet?" I suggested

"Speaking of romances, have you dumped that jackass, Matt yet?" Ben asked in a serious tone

"No, not yet, he's still not bothered to call or text" I shrugged

"You know it's who he is, Mads, he's not gonna commit or settle properly" Ben pointed out

"Ben-" I tried to protest but of course it was no use

"No Maddie, it's true and you know it, if he really cared he'd have at least called you, text you or turned up to yours to apologise and talk but he hasn't done anything" Ben said making his point even more clear. 

"At least I have you though" I smiled as I leaned into Ben, he put his arm around me and I held onto his hand. 

As the trailers started, more and more people entered the room, it began to fill up rather quickly. A large group of late teens entered and looked about for a whole row of seats to sit at. As they walked up the stairs in the dimly lit room, they stopped by the row Ben and I were currently at. 

"Hey, you two wouldn't mind moving, would you please?" One of the guys asked. 

"I don't think there's any other seats" I pointed out

"There's two in the row behind you" The same guy pointed out

The same row were Jack was currently sat with his friends. I looked at Ben unsure about what to do or what to say. 

"It's fine, they can sit here with us" Sonny chirped up

"Looks like we're sitting with your knight in shining armour" Ben whispered to me

I stood up, ready to walk along the row and up to the next when Ben suggested just climbing over instead. I was unsure about trying to climb in the darkness of the room but got up and began to climb over. Ben made it look so effortlessly. As I was climbing over, I guess I never noticed that there was something laying on the floor and I lost my balance, almost slipping but before I could fall completely, strong arms wrapped around me and I ended up on Jack's lap, my right arm around his neck. Both of us staring into each other's eyes once more. 

"You two really need to stop getting into these situations" Liam smirked. 

I was about to move and sit next to Ben but Sonny insisted that he sat next to him for some strange reason so I let him, instead I was sat in between Jack and Tyler, Jack on my right and Tyler on my left. 

As the movie went on, there began to be some really scary scenes, of course I forgot I wasn't sitting next to Ben, during one of the scary scenes, I found myself unable to watch any longer and buried my head into Jack's side. Jack moved his arm in surprise but eventually brought it back down and rested it on my back, then he began to rub small, comforting circles. I can't explain it but I seemed to find what Jack was doing very comforting. I think just in this moment in time, Jack has shown me more comfort than Matt ever has.

"Hey, you okay?" Jack whispered into my ear

"Yeah, sorry" I whispered back as I moved away slowly

As I moved away, our hands grazed next to each other. In true me style, I never thought to wear something thick or cosy, I just wore a lightweight jumper, nothing else. 

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