Chapter 7.

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"Ben calm down, we can't jump to conclusions" I said as I watched Ben pace back and forth

"How can I calm down? My best friend is nowhere to be seen, I haven't heard from her since this morning, her bed hasn't been slept in, she found out that her so called best frien- girl friend is sleeping with her now ex boy friend" Ben pointed out

"Exactly so let's just think, is there anywhere you can  think of that she might have gone to?" I asked

"I don't know, if her mother had been buried I would have guessed the cemetery but her mother was cremated" Ben said with a shrug


I don't know why and I can't explain it but a part of me felt helpless as I watched Ben pace back and forth. He was really worried about Maddie and her whereabouts. His blonde hair which is normally perfectly styled was now a floppy soft mess on top of his head. I began to wonder what it would be like to run my fingers through his hair. The more I watched on as Ben worried, I heard a growl in my head, it was my wolf. 

"Calm down" I said hoping it would calm him

"He shouldn't be this worried about her" He growled even more

"He's her best friend, of course he's going to worry about her" I tried to reason

"We both know where he should be, where he belongs" my wolf barked

I looked up to find everyone looking at me confused and puzzled. 

"Did I miss something?" I asked

The others all just looked at each other, still confused and puzzled. 


I had no idea what all that was about with Sonny, if he had just drifted off into his own world or if I had missed something else going on. I tried to think again about where Maddie could be when a thought came into my mind. 

"I've just had a thought" I said, catching Jack and the others attention

"What is it?" Lewis asked

"Well Maddie hasn't spoken to Vic or Matt since last night but what if they came here last night, you know Maybe Maddie would have opened the door, maybe a fight broke out, maybe one of them hurt her" I said, beginning to panic. 

"Ben, calm down, your jumping to conclusions again" Jack pointed out

"I can't help it, she's my best friend and after last night I wouldn't put anything past those two" I hit back 

"Okay fine, why don't a few of us call around the hospitals to see if she's been admitted in to any of them" Jack suggested

Liam, Tyler, Lewis and Sonny all disappeared with their phones in different rooms, I think one of them maybe went outside. 

"What if she's not even been admitted?" I asked

"Then we'll all go out, split up into groups and look for her" Jack suggested

"And if we still can't find her, what then?" I asked feeling frustrated

"Then we report her missing, I don't know" Jack hit back 

"No, I'm sorry, I can't just sit here and do nothing, I'm going over to Matt's or Vic's to find out what they've done to Maddie!" I shouted as I grabbed my coat

"What is it exactly that you think has happened here?" Jack asked

"Isn't it obvious? They came here last night, had another fight and one of them has murdered Maddie, they're going to cover for each other" I snapped

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