Chapter 12

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I paced back and forth in the small, private medical room that I requested for Maddie when I brought her over here. She was lying on the bed, still unconscious since she hit her head. I was worried to the max about her, luckily for us, we have the best doctor here in the Night Walker pack, Doctor Warren Cavanagh. He has been our pack doctor for a long time but a dear great friend to my parents a lot more. Warren and his wife, Annie, have been members of our pack since they were kids along with my parents. I had just walked towards the plain white wall when the door to the room opened, I turned around just as Dr Cavanagh walked in. 

"Stop worrying yourself sick, she is under the best care here" He said as he tried to calm me

Doctor Cavanagh was slightly taller than me, he had medium brown hair, short at the back but long at the front, green eyes, slim and muscular body build. 

"She's my mate, future Luna of this pack, I should have protected her better" I said, shaking my head slightly.

"I expect her to wake up soon and make a full recovery. We ran scans and tests, there's no serious damage done, nothing to worry about" Dr Cavanagh tried to reassure me more.

"I know, I just-I can't help but worry about Maddie and blame myself for this" I explained

"Well, Maddie should wake up soon, don't let her see you like this, she will be wanting a friendly and familiar face" Dr Cavanagh pointed out as he put Maddie's file chart back down. 

Dr Cavanagh left the room, leaving me to my thoughts once more. I took the vacant seat that was next to Maddie's bed and sat there, I gently held Maddie's fingers in my hand, being careful with her, I didn't want her to be hurt anymore than she currently was. My phone pinged, signalling that I had received a new text. Sighing, I took my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the screen. It was a text from Sonny to say Ben had managed to find someone to come and fix Maddie's front door to her apartment and also fit new locks. I won't lie, that was a relief to know that was something fixed from this mess. Although I was worried about Maddie and blaming myself, I was also very angry at Matt for causing all of this. 

I was once again brought out of my thoughts by another distraction but this time, it was a good distraction or at least I hoped it would be a good distraction. Maddie had squeezed my hand that I had used to hold hers with. 

"J-Jack?" Maddie asked confused as she opened her eyes

"Hey, I'm here, give yourself a few minutes to adjust to the light" I smiled

I waited until Maddie had given herself time to adjust to the light. 

"I'm going to go and get the doctor, let him know that your awake" I smiled before I kissed her head . 

I opened the door and waved down Annie, Warren's wife. 

"Jack, everything okay?" Annie asked

"Yes Annie, could you please let Dr Cavanagh know that Maddie is awake" I smiled

"Of course, you must be relieved" Annie smiled

Annie was small in height, she had black hair in a bob style, blue eyes, she was slim built. 

"Yes, I am now" I smiled

"I'll go and fetch Warren, you get back in that room" Annie smiled before she walked off

I smiled before walking back into Maddie's room.


Sonny had helped me clean up the mess in Maddie's apartment and I had to do a few calls and look around for a joiner to fix a new door and also some new locks on the door. 

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