Chapter 3.

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I could hear my wolf growl lightly but angrily in my head when Emma nominated me for the part of the prince in front of the others in the class. I sighed, giving in and went along with it, everything was going fine until it came to the dance part and Debbie pushed us closer together. I already had my arm around Maddie but the way Debbie had pushed her into me, it made me wrap my arm around her a little more and tighter. As I held Maddie closer to me, I heard a small gasp escape her, so I slowly looked down at her, only to find her ocean coloured eyes staring right back at me. It was at that moment my wolf had to choose to whisper the one word I've been wanting him to whisper to me for a while


I was shocked. The bell rang giving me the perfect opportunity to grab my things and bolt out of there as fast as I could, Liam and Sonny ran after me to try and catch up with me. 

"Jack, what the hell bro, what's up?" Liam asked concerned

"My wolf" I said

We were inside the male toilets, there was no one else in here with us. 

"What about him?" Liam asked

"He just whispered the word to me" I breathed out

"The word?" Sonny asked confused

Liam and I both looked at Sonny. Clearly we were both wondering how he could be so clueless. 

"Oh the mate word?" Sonny asked

Liam and I both nodded. 

"Who?" Liam asked

I took a minute to catch my breath before looking between them both before answering. 


Liam was about to speak but Sonny got in first. 

"That's why you ran out the room so fast?" 

I only nodded in response. 

"Are you sure your wolf meant her?" Liam asked

"Yes, he's never said that word before when I've talked to a female in our pack, hardly any of the other girls here speak to me, well us" I pointed out

"What are you gonna do?" Sonny asked

"Yeah, I'd hate to be you if Matt finds out" Liam pointed out

"He isn't gonna find out, I'll keep my distance like I always do, I'll stay away and everything will be fine" I shrugged

I had planned on just keeping myself to myself for the rest of the day, when I emerged from the bathroom, I saw Emma talking to Matt, he didn't look happy one little bit, no doubt she was filling him in on what had happened in our class. After that, I then saw Matt and Maddie having an argument. Maddie didn't look happy with Matt and stormed off. 

I had managed to keep my head down for the rest of the day, I even managed to get out of college in one piece. No doubt, Matt would be looking for me, it wasn't really my fault, it was Emma who volunteered us for the parts so it should be her he has a go at. 

Later that night, I was in my wolf form, out on patrol. We liked to keep our grounds patrolled at all times, make sure there was no rogues or trespassers on our grounds. I was about to head back to the pack house when my wolf decided he wanted to go another way. He lead me to the top of the woods, the pathway down below. I was shocked to see Maddie there. I stayed out of sight, I was behind a thick tree which was surrounded by some bushes too so she wouldn't see me. I think she must have sensed me as she stopped walking and looked around, when she didn't see me or anyone else, she continued on her walk. 

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