Chapter 13

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The sun beamed brightly outside high up in the clear blue sky, yet, here I was, now lying, resting in Jack's bed. Luckily for me though, Jack had asked Ben to come over and sit with me for a bit whilst he went to train with other members. We were currently just laughing and giggling about things. 

"I see you've gotten yourself one step closer to seeing what Jack's hiding under his shirt" Ben teased

"Urm" I said a little awkward before I put my finger in my mouth

"What? Spit it out" Ben said with an amused expression on his face

"I might already know and have seen it for myself" I admitted 

"You sneaky little minx, when?" Ben asked, still amused

"Back when Jack came to my house, the day after Matt kicked off at the shopping centre" 

"You kept that quiet, did you two...?" Ben asked but trailed off

It didn't take me long to know what Ben meant by that question. 

"No Ben, we haven't done anything like that or gone that far yet, we've kissed and made out but that's it" 

"You want to go further with him?" Ben pressed on

"I don't know, I've never felt this way, the way I do about Jack, before, but as you know, Jack is a werewolf, I'm his mate, a male werewolf usually bites his mate to mark her before they...." I explained before I trailed off.

"Yeah I do know how the mate thing works Mads" Ben smiled

"So anyway, how are you and Sonny getting on?" I asked

"We're getting on fine, even with you and Jack setting us up" Ben replied as he gave me a knowing look

"I don't know what your talking about" I said with a smile

"Yeah sure you don't, you arranged to meet me, Jack arranged to meet Sonny same time, same place as us, you texted me, and Jack texted Sonny at the same time to cancel at last minute" Ben pointed out.

"Well it wasn't my idea, Jack had a suspicion that you are Sonny's mate so he asked me to help, like how you helped Jack and I" 

"Yeah well, we decided to go to the movies anyway, I didn't see the point in letting the night go to waste" Ben smiled 

Ben looked out the window and at the sky, I could tell that there was something on his mind. 

"Okay, come on spill" I said

"Spill what?" Ben asked confused

"Whatever it is that's on your mind, come on Ben, how long have we known each other? You always know when there's something on my mind so I know when there's something on your mind, so come on, talk to me, what is it?" 

"You really want me to spill?" Ben asked 

"Well I always seem to spill my problems out to you so come on, talk to me" I said with a small smile, hoping it added encouragement to Ben to talk to me. 

"Sonny and I had a moment, we almost kissed" 

"When? And Almost?" I asked confused

"At your place when we were waiting for the joiner to come and fix the new front door, we were just sitting talking about how you and I became best friends. life just small things really, I don't know we just gazed into each other's eyes, we both slowly leaned in but then Sonny's phone rang and we pulled away from each other" Ben explained

"Do you like him?" I asked 

"Well I mean, he's nice to talk to and hang out with" Ben shrugged

"Would you like to be more than friends with him?" 

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