Chapter 8.

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"So he told you that your his mate, like his true mate and then just left?" Ben asked as he drove us into town. 

I was glad it was the weekend, I didn't have any plans but Ben needed to pick up a few things in town and asked me to tag along with him, since I didn't really have anything better to do and after some persuasion, I agreed. 

"Yeah, pretty much" I answered  

"Did anything else happen that you haven't mentioned?" Ben asked

I went deep in thought and couldn't help but think back to the sweet but short lived kiss that Jack and I shared. The feeling of his soft lips as they brushed against my own lips before I opened my mouth and let him in to explore. 

"Maddie" Ben said, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Sorry?" I asked unsure

"I asked if you were sure you've told me everything, is there anything you've left out or forgotten to tell me?" Ben asked

"No, I've told you everything" I said as I looked out the window, watching the scenery pass by as Ben drove us into town. 

"Maybe he's scared of Matt, if he finds out" Ben suggested

"I don't know, maybe he just doesn't want me as his mate" I shrugged 

Again, I felt that same stabbing feeling deep within me for some strange unknown reason. I had no idea why all of this was getting to me so much. If I was honest with myself, I was more upset about Jack and last night than what I am over finding out that Matt was cheating on me with my best friend. 


"Why would you tell her she's your mate, kiss her and then leave her like that?" Tyler asked confused. 

We were currently sat in my bedroom, myself, Tyler, Sonny and Lewis, Liam had gone out a while ago. 

"Look she just had a big shock, I don't want to confuse her or make her think she has to be with me" I said, wishing I had now not told them anything.

"I'm sure she wouldn't have felt like that, maybe it was a shock for her to hear you admit she's your mate, she would have wanted you to talk to her or something" Lewis pointed out

"She just found out her boyfriend and best friend were cheating on her, she's vulnerable and in a bad place okay, she's hurting, she doesn't need me making things worse for her" I said trying my best to defend myself

"I don't think she's as upset about them as she is over you" Sonny said

"Can we please get out of here?" I asked beginning to sound agitated.

"Sure, I actually need to pick a few things up in town anyway" Lewis agreed. 

We all got ready and into Lewis' car as he drove us into town. 

"Do you think we'll meet her and Ben here today like we did at the cinema?" Sonny asked

"I don't know, maybe that was one of those situations where it only happens once" I responded


"Come on Mads, you need some new clothes, new outfits to catch your new man's eye" Ben cheered 

Ben has been trying his hardest to cheer me up all morning but sadly nothing seems to have worked. 

"How am I supposed to catch his eye when he clearly doesn't want me?" I asked

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