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-Char- POV

"This is really good, I love strawberry." Tina said as she took another spoonful of yogurt.

"Me too, it's incredible." Heidi replied.

They have been talking about how incredible this semester could be and how are they so excited about college. Well, me too but I wonder how would things will turn. It scares me to death of what could possibly happen in four years but at the same time this is really exciting. My train of thoughts were interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Charlotte!" I looked up and met the already familiar dark cat orbs I have to deal with for the next few years. She was stood next to a smaller girl with a perfect smile.

"Hey P'Fa!" I heard Heidi said with excitement in her voice.

"Hey, Heidi, Tina, it's been awhile!" she greeted them.

"Yeah, wow, it's good to see you guys here finally." she said. They gave her a friendly hug and I just looked so out of place.

"Oh you guys know Chumpo, right?" She pulled the small girl with a really beautiful face. I heard she's Engfa's ex girlfriend but decided to remain being just best friends after all.

"Hi guys, good to see you." Chumpo greeted us.

"Hi, Chumpo." Heidi greeted her with a huge smile. "and I assume you already met Charlotte?" They all looked at me and I flashed a fake smile.

"Well of course she's my roommate." Engfa said, giving me a sweet smile.

"The cute girl with a rabbit pet. Finally I met you." Chumpo stated, inspectioning my face.

"she have been telling me about you for like an hour now." she stretched her arm for a handshake and I immediately took it.

"Ok, you can shut up now Chumpo." Engfa instructed and I glared at her. "I'm glad you guys are here, what are you up to?" she asked. She's really good in changing the topic that quick huh.

"Oh we're just done doing the grocery. There are no really plans at all except getting frozen yogurts and chill." Heidi answered.

"Oh so would it be okay if we invite you guys to have dinner? I mean if it's fine with you." Engfa said and looked at me as she bit her lip. I think she's trying to get me.

"Actually we have plans for dinner already, Tina said. She'll gonna cook." I said with a huge fake smile, trying to lie for once.

"No, I didn't." she said in a confused tone. Ugh can't Tina just ride along?

"Haha she's just kidding, you know she also have this weird sense of humor like you do." Heidi said, wrapping her arms around my neck. Heidi's trying to choke me, help! "What are your plans?"

"I found a really nice resto-bar few blocks away, I think it's cool." Engfa suggested.

"Yeah sounds great." Tina said, nodding.

"Can we go now?" the cat-eyed girl asked and the girls nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

And my best friends just decided by themselves. Is my opinion not relevant in here?


-Engfa- POV

Chumpo and I got in my car and the other girls got in their own. They agreed to follow us to the resto-bar I suggested. I can feel Chumpo giving me those teasing glares again.

"What are you up to Waraha?" she suddenly asked.

"What?" I replied, trying to focus on the road.

"I know you have something on your mind, come on. I'm your bestfriend, I know you more than you know yourself." she said. "Better spill it. Us little miss cutesy with a bow your new target?" she accused but I wrinkled my forehead, trying to look innocent.

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