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Heidi: Where u at?

(after 3 seconds)

Heidi: My heels are killing me and these girls+Seng have been bugging me to call u but no answer.

(after 2 seconds)

Heidi: U doin' nasty again with mah bfff, Sia Berm? Damn u could have just tell us. How's her butt?

(after a second)

Heidi: *sends a duck face selfie* Englot is Real.

"Heidi's so delusional sometimes, I can't really," I said in disappointment.

"Relax, we both know her, she's just very...well, vocal of what she wanted to say." Engfa said, trying to calm me down. "Did you know that she ships us? And she named us Englot.

Whenever she's asking about you she's like, 'where's your girlfriend?' And I just get along with whatever she wanted to say. Just don't stress out on Heidi. I got her, okay? And all the Englot shippers out there, namely Tina and Chumpo." She said, holding my hand in the process which put a smile on my face.

"Fine." We giggled in unison. Englot...huh. That's a weird ship name." I said, trying to swallow this Englot thing and be just cool with it.

"I don't think so, I like it. I love Englot." she said, looking so easy about it.

"You mean you love us?" I asked. I noticed the shade of red in her face, she's freakin' cute when she do that. "Yeah." she nodded.


-Engfa- POV

I could just sit in a cafè with Char for hours and listen to her stories without taking my eyes off of her. Being this close to her means the world to me, moments like this keeps me alive. Just being with her alone for awhile makes me know that somehow I have a special place in her life. Somehow I matter, somehow she liked me too.

"There you are!" we heard Chumpo's voice.

"Where have you been?" Tina asked.

"Why aren't you answering your phones?" Heidi said, glaring at us.

The girls and Seng came out from nowhere, throwing us every possible questions we expected them to ask.

"Sorry guys, I asked Char to take a little walk with me and we kind of get tired so we just walked in here." I explained.

"You should have told us you know, we were so worried." Seng answered and his gaze was on me. "Oh I didn't know it's my obligation to ask permission before I ask my friend to take a walk with me." My face heat up, I didn't mean to sound incredibly sarcastic and offensive but the words just slip.

And this guy was getting on my nerves. For half a day, I have been patient of him, trying to get Charlotte's attention and taking her away from my side and the worst thing was that he was reminiscing moments with her, reminding everyone of how close they were and how much he knows her too well more than anyone even Heidi and Tina. There was an awkward silence and everyone felt the tension between me and the guy.

"Seng, it's my fault okay? Just," Char turned to look at me and held my hand. "stop blaming Engfa." And I felt my heart skip a beat the moment she said my name. I finally released the air I was holding.

"Let's go." She said and grabbed her bag and walked to the door while we all followed suit. Seng's devil glare was still piercing on me but I gave him my boyish half smile and put my hands in the air like I was saying 'I didn't do anything'.That moment I knew the competition between us was on and I promised to myself I will never let him win.

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