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"Fine, ok, I'll stop."

She tried but she cracked up laughing again.

"Char, seriously."

I can't help laughing too.

"Come on, just join me here."

I asked.


She plummeted and quickly swam back up meeting my eyes.


"It's fuckin' freezing."

"Do you wanna go back to the boat?"

"No, I just started."

"Alright, just tell me when you wanna go back."

She swam on the opposite direction and I followed.

"This is awesome. Thanks for the early summer treat."

"You're welcome, anything for my pink princess."

We shared a smile and she gave a peck on my lips.

I cupped her cheeks and we just stared to each other.

I leaned in, she closed her eyes and I pretend I was about to kiss her but I jumped and went underwater.

I swam few steps away from her and popped up watching her face.

She narrowed her eyes while looking back at me.

"So you wanna play a game now, Sia Berm?"

She moved on my direction and we playfully chased and drown each other.

She decided to get back to the boat when she got tired.

"Oh God!"

I climb up the boat first and the icy breeze covered my exposed skin. I quickly grabbed a blanket and covered my body.

"Hey a little help here!"

"Yeah sorry."

I almost forgot she was still in the water.

I pulled her up and helped her get in the boat.

She immediately screamed out when the cold air touched her skin.

I covered her with the same blanket I was covering my body with.


She quickly tuck herself in and took a deep breath.

Her hands were trembling and I held it together.

I blew air in it to keep her warm.

"How about you? Come here."

She opened her left arm and I sat next to her and slipped in the blanket.

She wrapped her arm around me and I quickly felt the warmth of her skin.

We stayed that way for few minutes.

"So how did you get that vodka anyway?"

She quietly asked.

"Um...the...liquor store girl was nice, she's 22 and..."

She narrowed her eyes and gave me a blunt look.

"You seduced her to let you buy bottles of vodka even without an I.D.?"

"Char, I didn't do anything, I swear, I walked in and she's like, 'what can I do for you?' in a super sexy voice and I was like, 'Can I have two bottles of vodka please?' and she asked for an I.D. And I told her I left it at home and she didn't believe me but I pleaded like a lost little puppy and it didn't work that much so I sort of just..."

Those Dark cat EyesWhere stories live. Discover now